USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Thanks for posting that. I have to echo your sentiments.

USC is excellent in terms of flexibility about changing majors, double majoring, or having 1-3 minors even. And almost everyone who takes full advantage of all of these options still graduates on time. Over the years, many CC posters have suggested that doing anything similar at an UC, by comparison, could lead to one or more extra terms being required to be able to graduate. State / public universities and colleges typically have more GE or distribution requirements, making it harder to experiment or take on extra majors and/or minors while still graduating in just four years. The one key consensus with my daughters was their goal of attending a private university vs public, and this factor… as discussed above by you was one of the key reasons for such a decision to choose USC. Neither of them even applied to a single UC. USC in particular goes out of its way to allow for such experimentation and dabbling in between Schools and programs.

And the Trojan Family Networking is very real. Each of my daughters are already connected to many thousands on LinkedIn, and the majority for each are fellow USC alums.


As a USC alumna, I also can confirm that USC gives a lot of flexibility if you want to change majors - I was accepted as Biology major but after one year of the Bio 101 weeder class in Bovard Auditorium, I knew it wasn’t for me. I was able to switch and double major in International Relations and Economics and still graduated in 4 years. I got a generous scholarship which put me cost-wise about the same if I went to public school for 5-6 years if I made the same mistake there. And about that name factor, I can say that it has open doors and gave me opportunities to jobs because I was an SC grad.

Now that I’m a parent, I do have to factor costs heavily as I have twins going through the process. But they first have to get accepted. :wink:


How are so many students receiving merit scholarships if they weren’t accepted early. Informed on a tour only early accepted students qualified for merit scholarships. However many have mentioned a lot of USC students receive merit scholarships.

Please explain without mentioning early accepted students.

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We, on the other hand, are full pay with an applicant that has high SAT, perfect grades coming from a rigorous private school who has been rejected or deferred everywhere. So, for us, there is a huge “value” for our applicant (who really wants the Annenberg School). Everyone’s situation is different and value means different things to different families.


(Providing the data)


I would LOVE to read an excel spreadsheet ranking the Top 100 in terms of Value per COA.

Only if it included aid estimates based on all factors. Most ‘value’ lists I’ve seen list schools like Stanford and Princeton as best value based on net mean cost of <$15k. So, even if you could get accepted, the value proposition might work out a little different if you are paying full price!


Thanks for sharing.

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The big picture:

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Completely agree with you.

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Oh, 100%. You need to devise a formula encompassing admit rate & COA, couple other metrics. We did something broadly along those lines but nothing rigorously analyzed that I would put my fake name to in this forum.

Gotta protect the value of the hoopsdad2000 brand!



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It is insane for sure.

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When do y’all think decisions will be released for RD?

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March 24 around 4 pm PST. (Best guess)


Anyone know when USC IYA results might come out - what I read previously they send out a packet to IYA students a week before.

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Last year they came out same day as regular. They use to be more on their own timetable when they first opened up with their interviews and all, but it seems decisions have lined up with regular decisions…I could be wrong as they can obviously do what they want any year. :slight_smile:

The concept of “value” in terms of selecting a college or university can generally be swayed as anyone elects to do so while justifying their own financial decision. In reality, it is more often a matter of balancing wants and desires versus affordability for the family involved in that decision making process. And many families are ultimately shocked by how colleges and universities evaluate their family’s ability to contribute toward the total cost to attend for their aspiring college freshman-to-be. Those eventual FA decisions (and regardless of the college making them) can be astonishing to many families.

And USC will be no exception for those admitted… as many will be dismayed by the eventual FA offering. It accounts in large measure for the yield rate at USC only being circa 40% in recent years. 4900 or so of the eventual 7900 admitted to USC this cycle by circa March 24th will end up enrolling elsewhere. And financial considerations will be the primary factor for many of those eventual decisions to pass on USC.

When it comes to financial aid offerings, most colleges and universities operate with the same guiding principal that they will lower any grant money being offered as an offset to account for any new scholarship money that they are aware of. Basically, once they know of new scholarship money available to a new or returning student, they readjust the perceived need for money given their calculations of a family’s ability to pay. And that calculation is what can vary widely by school.

Most schools will expect families to convert assets or equity into available cash for college expenses. They evaluate both parents, whether still married or not, in terms of all known or disclosed personal and business assets versus all known or disclosed personal and business liabilities. If there is perceived net worth there… whether liquid or not… and whether individually owned (in terms of divorced parents) or jointly owned by a married couple, they do expect you to pay utilizing some if not all of it, even if you have to borrow against non-liquid assets. And many families are simply unwilling to do so. Could many of those families afford to do so? well, sure. But many will likely equate that the value is simply not there to justify doing so. And that is clearly their choice. Other families will gladly elect to do so. Either choice is ultimately valid. No one should judge that decision from afar.

From USC’s perspective, it simply comes down to what they know about your family situation in total and how they then calculate your “ability to pay”. And that of course often does not correlate well with the family’s perception of their own ability to pay. And this calculus can vary widely given the parameters being used. For example, some schools do not think that a student should have to go in debt with loans, some say that a family should not have to pay tuition for their student if the combined income is below a certain threshold, etc. But even such declarations are not iron clad if schools are also evaluating perceived net worth and available assets that could be used in some manner… whether liquidated for cash or borrowed against.

And even if a family’s ability to pay is calculated to be very low, schools like USC will expect the student at least to have a work study job and utilize student loans to contribute toward the cost of attending. So, in the end, scholarship money and grants will not stack as most families would hope. The only real prospect for a more favorable FA offering will come from that “ability to pay” calculation.

Before an admitted applicant panics after receiving an unexpected FA offering, maybe ask yourself as a family some key questions… Does the college or university truly understand your financial situation fully? Have you actually listed every known or projected liability? Have you made them aware of every recurring monthly or yearly expense? Is there a medical condition that they need to be made aware of… or an obstacle with your family business, if applicable, etc? Is your income situation somehow untenable moving forward, possibly reducing your projected income?

Any extra potential relief from the cost of attending for a family will come via an analysis of income, assets, liabilities and the like. So, just make sure that they fully understand your family’s financial condition now and projected moving forward before you abandon all hope.

Those families that do opt to make the finances work might just have a stronger affinity toward what the University of Southern California could mean for their child’s future. Maybe they have evaluated rankings like the ones generated by Niche and determined that USC being ranked #1 out of 1,521 in terms of colleges with the Best Student Life in America is an important enough factor. Or, if accepted for SCA, USC being #1 out of 280 colleges for Film in America is the determining element that signals sufficient value. Any of these rankings might be justification enough for some families: Best Colleges for Business in America #2 of 1,243, Best Colleges for Performing Arts in America #2 of 554, Best Colleges for Design in America #2 of 427, Best Colleges for Student Athletes in America #4 of 1,336, etc., etc. There are scores of rankings that could be used for justification… either pro or con.

For others, the simple calculus that we just cannot afford the total expense is all the reasoning needed to pass on USC. Thankfully, each admitted student’s family can decide for themselves. And ultimately, USC is only one of scores of elite colleges and universities that can serve as a great pathway for their child’s further education. I personally recommend choosing wisely and to not put an undue or excessive financial burden on the family. It is hard to justify doing so for any undergraduate education. The college years should be magical and a great experience for the child attending and not serve as an unwelcome catalyst for resentment or financial hardship for any family. If that is even at all possible, select a college destination easier to manage. It is far better to position that final enrollment decision within the proper family framework versus bringing forth unwarranted turmoil just to appease some dream school wish fulfillment. At least that’s my take on it.

Good luck on that front to all of those admitted EA or later this month to USC who are still trying to work out the numbers via merit (hopefully) and FA…


My daughter is a senior at SC and we were full pay family with some scholarships as a continuing student in year 2 and 4. The money spent here was worth it and I will do it in a heart beat. She got so many opportunities to have quality internships. She is starting an Investment banking job in a BB after graduation. There was an instance where an alum MD from a BB called her and prepared her for her interview. I do not agree where people say that it is only an undergrad. If after undergrad, you are placed well, you will be much ahead of your MBA counterparts.

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