USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Same email received. Sent a question to them via the online form.


I guess everyone received the email. My D is international and not applying for FA either. I just ignored it.

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The Financial Aid Office responded this morning with: “Please ignore the required documents if you do not plan on applying for financial aid. If you do not submit the documents we will not process your financial aid.”

So no need to do anything.


Are there any Roski School applicants on this thread? Application supplement due today - at midnight. How did it go?

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a couple of questions.

  1. Can I still send a recommendation to USC? At the time of submission I only submitted 1 teacher rec as was asked, but I do have a professor rec from research outside of school which I used for other schools and did not bother using for USC thinking that it isn’t allowed, is it possible to send this in?
  2. What is the best way to indicate USC is my first choice school. Obviously the essay is one and I’ve already turned that in as a part of my EA application, but should I email the admissions office(or my personal ao) indicating this? any recommendation on how to approach this
  3. does usc admit major/college? I applied for one of the two available majors under the medical school, which I think are much less commonly applied to than the other schools of USC due to their nature, does that matter though?
  4. Is class rank considered for USC admissions, because the CDS says it isn’t, and among my profile my class rank is probably the weakest part(coming from an extremely competitive public hs) even though my stats numerically are above the CDS average, so was just curious on how having a lower class rank can hurt (lower in the context of top schools not actually a low rank)
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How did it go?

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Regarding #2, my son who is currently a sophomore at USC, emailed the admissions’ officer for our state right after he submitted his application to let him know that USC was his first choice and that he would attend if admitted. [Note: only make that statement if it is indeed true.] There is no way of knowing if that mattered at all in his acceptance, but since USC does not have binding early decision, it was one way to communicate that he would 100% attend if admitted. And he did.


alright, ill make sure to do that asap. it has been a while since apps were turned in but decisions are not out for a month as well so hopefully it still will matter

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They want to know they are your top choice! It is def ok/good to email your advisor. @wwward has frequently commented on this and noted where the Dean of Admissions specifically says to let them know. Let’s see if he chimes in, he has really good info on this.


You applied ED to JHU and it didn’t work out. Is USC your first choice of the remaining schools or are you getting nervous and re-thinking your applications? Do not send a letter saying USC is your first choice if it is not.

Definitely agree with this advice. Do not tell them you would attend if admitted if it is not indeed true.

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Yes… in general, USC Admissions does actually pay attention to everything… all emails, documented contacts, definitive statements made by you about USC, etc. When applying to USC, both of my daughters did email their AO once after not gaining admission during the merit selection process to reconfirm their commitment to USC. They detailed that USC was their first choice and did commit to attending if admitted. In their cases, they were eventually admitted and did in fact attend USC. Both have now since graduated.

I suggest that you and everyone interested in USC actually read the Insider’s Guide to Admissions linked below. They do say that they pay attention and notate your file. And if it is your dream school… tell them. I would make it short and sweet and rather definitive as to your intent to attend if admitted, if true. I would copy the admissions email for the first choice School within USC.

An Insider’s Look at USC College Admissions • Trojan Family Magazine

Good Luck, Happy Holidays and Fight On! :v:


Hi, would you suggest contacting regional rep or head of admissions or both? Thanks so much!

Wondering if we did things right. My daughter submitted her RD application on 9/8/22 will she still be considered for merit scholarships. How are people applying EA if they had REA or ED applications?

To be considered for merit scholarships at USC you have to apply EA I believe. You can apply to EA to USC if you applied ED to somewhere else. If you get into the school you applied ED to then you would need to withdraw your application from USC. As for REA, you can still apply to USC under EA because of their clause for merit consideration for EA students and not RD. REA schools (such as Stanford) allow it for this reason.

Oh no! What do you think we should do at this point. We applied REA Stanford and thought this prevented other EA applications. We had interpreted the website to read if we turned in the application by 11/1 we would be considered. Is it too late to notify USC at this point? This is our first kid applying.

So did your student apply by November 1? If so they should be EA. Applications submitted after 11/1 go to RD. Unless they were applying to one of these schools within USC, which had an application deadline of 12/1:

Iovine and Young Academy
Kaufman School of Dance
Roski School of Art & Design
School of Architecture
School of Cinematic Arts
School of Dramatic Arts
Thornton School of Music


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Looks like you missed this:
It is Stanford policy that you may simultaneously apply to Stanford with a decision plan of Restrictive Early Action and to the following:
“any college/university with an early deadline for a scholarship or special academic program, as long as:
the decision is non-binding; and
in order to be considered for the scholarship or program, the student must apply in the early round or by an early deadline.”

You applied before Nov 1 which is good but I am guessing selected “Regular Decision” rather than “Early Action”. Contact your Admission officer asap. Also, call USC undergrad admissions and explain the above situation. Hopefully, they will change RD to EA for you. If they do change it to EA, you’ll be considered for merit scholarships.

So if applying prior to 11/1, you actually have to select RD or EA? They don’t automatically put you in EA by virtue of the date? I must have missed that memo…