USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Applied Sunday. Still no portal email as of yet. I’m just predicting a problem since the other EA school that it was sent to also doesn’t have either score (SAT or ACT) even though they were sent 6 weeks ago.

If they don’t expect the test scores right away, less of an issue. But if they do it becomes timely. I already spoke to CB and and both gave met some tracking data to share with schools but wouldn’t resend…


This is crunch time for them (USC) so portal update may take longer than a day or two, so really have to wait for that to see if they have them as a first step.

On the screenshot by @voda2013 you can see that it says, “During high volume days such as application deadlines, please be patient…” Also, note in the FAQ I linked to yesterday, it says that LOR, test scores, etc. can arrive a little after the application deadline.

@lkg4answers @CADREAMIN @WWWard
Do you work for USC? I have been on this forum over the years with my children. I just am wondering because if you do work for USC and are paid to recruit then you need to say so. It appears that you are “interested parents” who want to pass your advice on to prospective parents, which is admirable. But the number of posts, responsiveness to posts, the dismissing of issues about COVID, and safety and the leading questions and answers seem very suspect to me…. Especially if I go back and look at years past and the transfer threads and the TTP threads. If you are paid by USC can you just say so?

I am a parent of two daughters who both attended USC. They graduated in 2018 and 2021. USC has never paid me anything to voice my opinions. To the contrary, the payments have been decidedly the other way around… only to USC… lol. I’m just here to help. That was the impact and influence that the Trojan Experience had on me and my family. I guess that you can find such enthusiasm suspect, as you put it, but it’s simply advice from a parent who dealt with USC twice while my kids were applying and then for a span of seven years while at least one child was there in attendance.


Does it show somewhere on the portal that the application is complete? I do not see a status like that.
I see the affirmation completed.
Common App received
SAT received
And below that under upload materials
“We have received high school transcript”

Nothing seems to be “awaiting”. Should we assume it’s complete for EA?

As I understand it, yes its complete. Just keep in mind, these are the required items. If you submitted optional documents, they do not seem to show up on the USC portal even if they have been received. For example, I submitted a Community College (Dual Credit) transcript which does not show up on the USC portal as “rcvd”. I talked to USC admissions and they told me that it has been “rcvd”.


I don’t work for any university. I have one child that is currently a 3rd year at USC. The rest of my children attended UCs.

I’m not sure what posts you are referring to where I was dismissive of COVID. My student spent their first year of college at home because campus was closed (due to LA County restrictions). They moved into the dorms their second year. It was a rocky start for everyone (students, faculty, staff, etc) but, at least according to my child, things appear to have worked themselves out.

I’m not involved in the TTP or transfer threads so I assume you are referring to someone else.


Nope. It’s a team of folks who just want to contribute to build a stronger Trojan family.

In the end, it’s an anonymous forum, so no explanation is needed or warranted. But for many of us really involved, it’s about support and kindness, nothing sinister about it, truly.


I appreciate very much the help you all give in response to the posts/questions. Thanks! @lkg4answers @CADREAMIN @WWWard.


You’re welcome.

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They do not work for USC. I agree, they have gone above and beyond, but that more indicative of their support for the Trojan family and those new to the process than anything else.

Like many here, I’ve benefited from their knowledge and try to pass it on when I can.


Good to hear. So many parents rely on this information and thank you for your efforts. Just wanted to make sure.

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Thank you for sharing and helping :+1:


You asked the same question, and received the same response, in the 2026 thread.

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Thanks, this is extremely valuable information. My son 2024 is going to tour USC and Marshall and seems to be getting excited about the school.


Thanks for giving back and educating, guiding and supporting busy college app clueless parents trying to guide our normal (and by that I mean even more clueless and more focused on being teens as they should) teens through this process.


You’re welcome. We here that have been through it all before are glad to assist.


My daughter applied EA to USC and today received a notice entitled 2023-2024 Financial Aid Notice stating that additional information is needed.

We are not applying for financial aid because we will not be eligible. Do we still need to complete the financial aid forms?

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Hello. We are in the same situation and received the same email. My son emailed the financial aid office this morning using the automatic form in the portal to let them know we will not be applying for financial aid and to please update his file. We did read elsewhere on the USC site that you should use the email form in the portal and not a regular direct email to ensure they receive the communication. If we get a response about what to do, I will return here to update, as there may be others like you in the same situation. If you hear anything, please let us know. :slight_smile: Good luck to your daughter.