USC Financial Aid?

<p>I just applied to USC yesterday . . . . but I'm really confused on how financial aid works. How do I apply for it? I checked their website but it doesn't seem to have a section for prospective students and so forth. I don't think I technically qualify as a "new student", so does anyone have any advice?</p>

<p>Are you a transfer? A “new” student is just an applicant who is not a continuing student, so I think you ARE a new student. You have to file the FAFSA, CSS/Profile and a GPA form from your current college (for the Cal Grant). All the details are here: [USC</a> Financial Aid - Applying & Receiving Financial Aid - Undergraduate - New Students](<a href=“]USC”>
Cal Grant GPA form: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Good luck!</p>