USC general education requirements

<p>USC is my back-up, so I've been spending most of my stay at a CCC fulfilling UC requirements.</p>

<p>I realized that by the time I apply to USC, I will not have a couple of things in the USC general education requirements sheet such as 2 more semesters of a foreign language and an art class. will that hurt my chances? because i've been hearing different things from different sources and someone told me they don't really care if you've finished the gen ed reqs or not.</p>

<p>I believe USC says you can go ahead and complete the foreign language requirements at USC. However, i’m unsure about the art class or other gen. requirements.</p>

<p>ok thanks! =)</p>

<p>I was wondering if USC requires 2 credits of electives</p>


Why would that ever be the case?</p>