USC oasis site has been updated

<p>it now shows they have received our tax returns and all FAFSA and Profile documents.</p>

<p>No word on Financial aid yet though. (at least for son)</p>


<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>what are our passwords supposed to be for that again?
I thought it was our birthday but apparently not... but i logged into it once before.. but now i can't seem to remember my password</p>

<p>do you have to be accepted to get into this site?</p>

<p>i dont think so cause i logged into it once before and i haven't gotten accepted yet.</p>

<p>Same problem. I logged in once before by using my birthday, but I cant log into the site</p>

<p>when did you send in the tax returns?? i sent it 2-3 weeks ago but my page still says TAX RETURNS STILL MISSING... should i call or wait it out ?</p>

<p>ylhs 102</p>

<p>I faxed them to USC Feb. 27th Site says fax received March 1st and then Tax forms entered March 9th is on a separate line.</p>

<p>I think Faxing gets them in the system faster than mailing them does</p>

<p>drizzit: I believe the site updates the individual's page when they receive that individual's items. It is not that they decide one day to suddenly update everybody's page.</p>

<p>i thought <a href=""&gt;;/a> was the site given to us to check our document status. this is the first time i've heard about the oasis website. and Foil_ is right, the site updates by individual. all my financial aid documents had been recieved and reviewed since the end of february. </p>

<p>ylhs102, they should have recieved your tax forms by now. but since you sent the forms near the march 2 deadline, i am sure that USC is simply a little overwhelmed by the number of documents reaching their office. they probably cannot update everyone's website so quickly. if you are really anxious about whether or not they have recieved it, then calling them should clear things up.</p>