USC SCA transfers 2021-2022

Hey everyone, I haven’t seen a thread for SCA transfers yet for this year and since it is April which means decisions are coming soon, I thought why not start one!

Has anyone heard from SCA yet?

I have not heard back yet.

Hello! DS wasn’t in this current cycle (for Fall 21), but he was an internal SCA Spring transfer from CAMS to Production this semester. Here to offer support. Good luck to everyone!

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I haven’t heard anything back. Applied for film production.

I applied for Film Production and I literally just completed my interview! It was super casual, I think it went well, but it didn’t make me feel any better or worse about what my admission decision might be.

I got rejected from Chapman just now. I’ve been rejected from Chapman, LMU, and CalArts all for film production. USC is my last chance. I saw on past threads that USC SCA didn’t release decisions until like the third week of May. Very frustrating :disappointed:

Keep your head up! I haven’t received anything from Chapman or LMU yet for film production.

I got rejected from LMU less than two weeks after I applied in February… they told me they didn’t have any spots left

Did you apply after the deadline?

Nope, I applied a few days before the deadline. I guess it’s a good thing if you haven’t heard anything. I was shocked to get rejected so fast. @warlordJE01

Hey guys I’ve built this website to provide as a link for the creative sample. (Uploaded a screen recording of one of the projects on the submission section). Do your think they will take a look at it? And what do you guys think I need some feedback

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I was waitlisted from Chapman earlier today. A bit discouraged but still hopeful and anxious to hear from USC. I had an interview with USC like a week ago. I know that doesn’t affect my chances of getting accepted in any way, but it’s still comforting to know that they know of me and I was able to talk to them on a more personal level. Unlike Chapman which was just apply, wait, waitlisted.

I haven’t heard anything back as well. No interview yet request. Hopefully we will see a decision by mid may.

Decisions came out last year on May 21! We are getting closer guys!!!

Hey guys! Everyone who applied for SCA should join the USC discord Discord and chat in the SCA section


Can you send the invite link?


If you look at last years forum, you can see that a student received their acceptance letter on June 3rd. Just wanted to put that out there so no one gets anxious when the 21st comes around and they still haven’t heard anything. I would just say be on the look out for an email during the last few weeks of May, but even if June comes around don’t lose hope :blush:

I got an email three days ago from the Assistant Director of Admissions for SCA and she asked me how my spring semester went. Very chill and random, didn’t ask for a SGR just wondering how things were going.