<p>I'm probably attending Cal State Long Beach next year and I read that USC has an "articiulation agreement" with CSULB. What exactly does that mean? Is it better to transfer from somewhere like Long Beach or go to a CC and transfer? Any help is appreciated, thanks.</p>
<p>An articulation agreement is a list of courses that receive transfer credit. So an articulation agreement with CSU LB will tell you which classes to take if you intend to apply to transfer to USC.</p>
<p>How easy/difficult is it to transfer into USC? Would it be wiser to go to LB and attempt to transfer, or try my way at a CCC? Does USC in any way favor schools with articulation agreements? I don't know that much, so any help is appreciated. THanks</p>
<p>I don't believe USC has any preference either way, since its a private school.</p>
<p>However, I don't know anything about articulation agreements.</p>
<p>USC is about the same difficulty to get in with a transfer. Again, it is a private.</p>