Useful Information about UW, UW admissions, etc

Some of this may have already been posted to various threads, but I thought that I would post it all in one spot anyway… My apologies for any redundancies

Common Fact Sheet containing what UW considers very important/important/etc in the admissions process, admissions requirements (i.e., how many math classes), average GPA, middle 50% ACT scores etc. Basically, the data that is posted at collegedata, Princeton review, etc., but from the official UW website

Admission statistics including in-state, MN, out-of-state (excluding MN), and international admission rates (I am pretty sure @Madison85 posted this elsewhere)

Fast Facts about UW, which is the data one typically finds on the overview pages of US News & World report, etc

Data Digest which has detailed data on enrollment, alumni, faculty, and research funding

I have relied on information from US News and collegedata, but it is probably better to go directly to the source (i.e., these official UW websites)

Thanks for sharing all of this info! Definitely some stats I hadn’t seen yet.