December 2, 2008, 7:40pm
<p>I'd like to propose that we share links that might be useful to musicians. I would be interested in knowing, for example, if there are any good sites on the Web for buying used instruments. Or, are there list serves or chat rooms particular to any instruments or fields? What about sites other than iTunes for listening to music? What music sites do you or your child go to most often? Etc.</p>
<p>I'll start. Since my son is a percussionist, the site I visit most often is Percussion</a> Instruments and Percussion Sheet Music from Steve Weiss Music , which sells everything percussion and gets my purchases to me very quickly. I like The</a> Music Depot - Making Life Musical for fun music themed gifts and party decorations. My son recommends Sheet</a> music at JW Pepper , which has sheet music and some recordings.</p>
<p>Anyone care to play?</p>
<p>BTW, I typed in only the urls (i.e., <a href="http://www">www</a >. whatever). The post came out with the actual names of the sites.</p>
December 2, 2008, 7:43pm
<p>Internet Cello Society’s Cello chat: [INTERNET</a> CELLO SOCIETY](<a href=“]INTERNET ”> ) under Forums </p>
<p>–discussion [Violin</a> Discussion Board: All Topics](<a href=“]Violin ”> Discussion Forum )</p>
<p>This is not a site for selling or buying but every musician should see this video, in my opinion. </p>
<p>[Benjamin</a> Zander on music and passion | Video on ](<a href=“]Benjamin ”> )</p>
December 2, 2008, 8:00pm
<p>[The</a> Viola Web Site](<a href=“]The ”> )
[American</a> Viola Society](<a href=“]American ”> )
[Chamber</a> Music America - Home](<a href=“]Chamber ”> )
[ASTA</a> | HomePage](<a href=“ ”> )
[Home[/url</a>] (MENC Homepage)
[url=<a href=“]All ”> ]All</a> Things Strings: Strings Programs and Initiatives for Students and Young String Players<a href=“Note%20the%20searchable%20databases%20for%20music%20schools%20and%20summer%20programs%20on%20the%20left%20side%20menu%20bar”>/url</a>
[url=<a href=“]NSPC: ”> ]NSPC:</a> NSPC](<a href=“]Home[/url ”> )
[Music</a> Learning Resource Centre](<a href=“]Music ”> )</p>
<p>I probably have a hundred or so more. If you are looking for something specific, let me know and I’ll point you in a direction or three.</p>
December 3, 2008, 9:33am
<p>These are some of the websites I use, either for information or as a place to gather with other like-minded people. And, to speak to the OP’s question, I think many people rely on instrument-specific hangouts to buy and sell instruments.</p>
<p>[METRONOME</a> ONLINE - free!](<a href=“ %5DMETRONOME”> )
[InstantEncore</a> - Live Classical Music<a href=“a%20great%20improvement%20on%20iTunes,%20as%20it%20creates%20communities%20around%20various%20soloists,%20chamber%20groups,%20and%20orchestras,%20as%20well%20as%20a%20great%20resource%20for%20live%20concert%20listings%20in%20your%20area.”>/url</a></p>
[url=<a href=“ %5Dmusicalchairs%5B/url”> ]musicalchairs[/url</a>] (Job postings + directories of music schools/summer programs)
[url=<a href=“Search Results for “ssg/default.aspx]Strings” – Strings Magazine ”>Search Results for “ssg/default.aspx” – Strings Magazine ]Strings</a> Magazine: Summer Study Guide](<a href=“InstantEncore ”> )
[Young</a> Musicians Foundation<a href=“Based%20in%20CA,%20but%20concerto%20competition%20and%20summer%20orchestra%20open%20to%20all%20students”>/url</a>
[url=<a href=“]Knowledge ”> ]Knowledge</a>, Research and Innovation<em>-</em>League of American Orchestras<a href=“Interesting%20information%20on%20the%20world%20of%20symphony%20orchestras”>/url</a></p>
<p>Various instruments:
[url=<a href=“]International ”> ]International</a> Trumpet Guild Home Page](<a href=“]Young ”> )
[IHS</a> Online - Home](<a href=“]IHS ”> )
<a href=“[/url] ”></a> ;
[Welcome</a> to ! | ](<a href=“]Welcome ”> )
[Classical</a> Singer Community](<a href=“]Classical ”> )
[YAP</a> Tracker - Opera, Classical Voice and Musical Theater Auditions](<a href=“]YAP ”> )
[The</a> National Flute Association](<a href=“]The ”> )
[ASTA</a> | HomePage](<a href=“ ”> )
[Welcome</a> To Fischoff Chamber Music<a href=“Extremely%20prestigious%20chamber%20music%20competition”>/url</a>
[url=<a href=“Home | Stulberg International String Competition ”>Home | Stulberg International String Competition ]Stulberg</a> International String Competition<a href=“String%20competition”>/url</a>
[url=<a href=“]Sphinx ”> ]Sphinx</a> Organization - Building Diversity in Classical Music](<a href=“404 - Fischoff National Chamber Music Association ”>404 - Fischoff National Chamber Music Association )
[NFAA[/url</a>] (A significant competition for HS students)</p>
<p>Blogs and news:
[url=<a href=“ %5B/url”> ] [/url</a>]
[url=<a href=“]NewMusicBox[/url ”> ]NewMusicBox[/url</a>]
[url=<a href=“]think ”> ]think</a> denk](<a href=“]NFAA[/url ”> )
[ArtsJournal:</a> Daily Arts News - music](<a href=“]ArtsJournal: ”> )
[url=<a href=“]Alex ”> ]Alex</a> Ross: The Rest Is Noise](<a href=“]PostClassic[/url ”>PostClassic )</p>
<p>A really terrific resource if you live in the DC/Baltimore corridor. Good reading if you don’t:</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“]Ionarts[/url ”> ]Ionarts[/url</a>]</p>
<p>Bump to bring forward</p>
January 6, 2009, 10:58pm
<p>A great place to get strings for violin, viola and cello:</p>
<p>[Concord</a> Musical Supplies - Discount Violin Strings](<a href=“]Concord ”> )</p>
<p>String discussion forum:</p>
<p>[Maestronet</a> Home Page](<a href=“]Maestronet ”> )</p>
<p>International Society of Bassists - [International</a> Society of Bassists](<a href=“]International ”> )
The National Flute Association - [The</a> National Flute Association](<a href=“]The ”> )
Early Music America - [Early</a> Music America](<a href=“]Early ”> )
Chorus America - [Chorus</a> America - The Non-Profit Service Organization for Choral Music](<a href=“ %5DChorus”> )
American Recorder Society - [Welcome</a> to the American Recorder Society, ARS, woodwinds instruments, recorder, ar magazine, renaissance, baroque cd](<a href=“]Welcome ”> )
Viola da Gamba Society of America - [Viola</a> da Gamba Society of America](<a href=“]Viola ”> )
Country Dance and Song Society - [Country</a> Dance and Song Society](<a href=“]Country ”> )
Guitar Foundation of America - [Guitar</a> Foundation of America | America’s Leading Guitar Organization](<a href=“]Guitar ”>Guitar Foundation of America )</p>
<p>Nat’l Association of Pastoral Musicians: [From</a> the President<a href=“Home%20page”>/url</a>
Nat’s String Project Consortium: [url=<a href=“]NSPC: ”> ]NSPC:</a> NSPC](<a href=“]From ”> )</p>
May 4, 2009, 8:37am
November 28, 2009, 10:24pm
<p>shouldn’t this be a “sticky” thread - or whatever you call those threads that have little push-pins in them?</p>
<p>Should be. I asked a couple of times, put perhaps the mods missed the requests.</p>
<p>I can try again.</p>
<p>[Tonal</a> Theory Supplemental Examples](<a href=“]Tonal ”> ), originally posted by pageturner.</p>
<p>For the 'Bone Heads out there:</p>
<p>[International</a> Trombone Association](<a href=“]International ”> ) - Main Association</p>
<p>[British</a> Trombone Society](<a href=“]British ”> ) - British version</p>
<p>[Trombone</a> Forum](<a href=“]Trombone ”>DAFATOTO: Daftar Togel Toto Macau 4D Terpercaya 2024 ) - Includes Classifieds for Second hand instruments etc</p>
<p>[Trombone</a> Journal](<a href=“]Trombone ”> ) - Includes Classifieds for Second hand instruments etc</p>
<p>[Jazz</a> Trombone Corner](<a href=“]Jazz ”> ) - Jazz Bone News</p>
<p>[Doug</a> Yeo Site](<a href=“]Doug ”> ) - Bass Bone for Boston Symphony - Great site</p>
<p>In case you manage to make it professionally…</p>
<p>[International</a> Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians](<a href=“]International ”> ) - Union for Symphony and Opera Musicians</p>
<p>[American</a> Federation of Musicians](<a href=“]American ”> ) - Musicians Union</p>
<p>Thanks to our moderators for “pinning” this thread.</p>