<p>I have $1,550.00 as part of my Cal Grant B award and according to the grant's description this money is for "Books & Supplies." How do I use this money for books? I've looked all over my financial aid account with UCI, but I cannot find how I will be able to use this money. Maybe I don't quite understand now Grants work...
Can someone help me out?</p>
<p>That part of Cal Grant B (Cal Grant B Access) is given directly to the student. I have mine set up as a direct deposit and it works out to $517 per quarter. I have thus far always received the amount after the quarter begins. I use savings to pay for what I want that Cal Grant B Access money to cover and then when I finally receive it I use it to replenish what I pulled from savings. Rinse and repeat every quarter.</p>
<p>The Cal Grant B Access can pretty much be used for whatever you want. It’s also possible to use it for “living expenses” (rent, food, etc). It doesn’t really matter.</p>
<p>Note that the CSAC website is still showing that payments will not be dispersed until the California budget is approved. Mine is indicating it was just released, though, and activity shows that my Cal Grant B Access was released as well (no indication of it showing up in my bank account yet, though, but it was just yesterday afternoon this happened). So… who knows. I’m not going questioning it since my bill shows paid at UCSC ;). That is all I care about.</p>
<p><a href=“CSAC - Student Landing Home”>CSAC - Student Landing Home;
<p>If you haven’t set up direct deposit yet, then I highly recommend it. Your financial aid money arrives to you that much faster.</p>
<p>Hey Kender, thanks for your reply. :]
I do have direct deposit set up. So I should expect this part of my Cal Grant to be immediately disbursed to me? Will it automatically be placed in my bank account?
Also, where did you see that your Cal Grant B Access was released?</p>
<p>No problem. I figure it’s good to hear from someone who receives the exact same type of aid and is in the same school system ;).</p>
<p>Anywho, the money will be automatically sent to the bank account you set up to receive the direct deposit, yes. This is what happens with direct deposit: it is directly deposited into your account :). As I mentioned, though, my experience so far has been that I did not receive the Access until after the quarter started. This may or may not be normal. I do not know how UCI specifically does it, but UCSC leaves me a message in my portal to let me know when a direct deposit has been made. I have not yet received this message.</p>
<p>Where I saw it released was in my UCSC portal. It’s listed as a payment along with my Cal Grant B that’s intended for fees. However, my account on CSAC does not show any activity (but it has only been a day) and CSAC still has the notice up about funds being withheld until the budget is passed.</p>
<p>Poke around your UCI portal. You may have different payment due dates and financial aid release dates than UCSC, but you should have something that shows your account activity in regards to billing. Keep an eye there.</p>