<p>I've been doing a couple of practice essays, and more times than not I can come up with a really good connection between things as random as Apple's iPhone and the Wii. Would writing about this kind of stuff work with CollegeBoard, if it was all well-supported and the connections to the topic were clear? I'm not really sure about these examples because they are less traditional than the literature/history examples.</p>
<p>I believe it wouldn’t necessarily diminish a score. It’s mainly about the quality of the writing, or the presentation of the argument. I’ve seen first hand an 11 score essay which cited both the “Sex and the City” movie AND the tv show “gossip girl” both in the same essay. I kid you not. Make a convincing argument, write neatly, fill up the page and you should be fine. :)</p>
<p>looool , i watch GOSSIP GIRL,it is my favourite show,i love it .CHuck Bass is my god :)</p>
<p>It’s totally fine. Besides, you’re not graded on your examples (at least, you’re not supposed to be…) so as long as it’s well-written and they support your point I say go for it.</p>
<p>using current events is OK assuming you don’t use any controversial material (ie. the war in iraq)</p>
<p>in general, i stay away from current events, because the grader might have a different view of the event and might give me an 11 instead of a 12</p>