Using "Personal Circumstances" For A Reason Other Than...

<p>Geneseo is one of the two SUNY's im applying to, Binghamton being the other. I am largely satisfied with my grades and credentials, but I feel like not using that space would be a waste of an opportunity to write more about myself.</p>

<p>I understand that it says to use that space to explain gaps in education or inconstancies in academic performance, but could I possibly just provide them with a clearer picture about myself? I love my essay and am confident in it but at the same time, dont want to waste the space...</p>

<p>On the one hand I could see them looking at me using the space as me being determined and motivated to get in, but I can also easily see them looking at that as me not following directions well and being insubordinate. Thoughts?</p>

<p>Do you 1) have any gaps in education (due to illness/family trauma etc.), inconsistencies in academic performance (meaning you had a bad semester due to family trauma, illness, etc.) OR extremely low test scores due to ADHD, or a vision problem etc? If NOT, then leave it blank. There is a way to provide ‘additional information’, even on the common app. So, no, don’t go there. The meaning and instructions are explicit. If you have a steady progression of decent grades, then it does not apply to you.</p>

<p>If your credentials are strong enough, they will most likely look over that gap. Geneseo has been accepting A LOT more students recently and its acceptance rates have risen over the past few years. If your credentials are as good as you make them sound, I’m sure you would have no problem getting in. Good luck :)</p>