USMA/WP Accessibility?

<p>I don't walk well and will need the use of a wheelchair to get around at WP. Our son (class of 2012) will do an overnight visit during his spring break. Our plan is for his Dad will go with him for the visit and his Dad and older brother to go with him for R day. I am opting out of visit and R-day for the convenience of others, but don't want to miss PPW. Before I make a final decision, can anyone give me information/advice about how difficult it might be to get around the grounds and buildings? Has anyone gone who has mobility issues? It will be my first flight and trip using a wheelchair and I want us all to be realistic and prepared. </p>

<p>usservicemom - I didn't know WP broadcasts R-day live, thanks so much for mentioning that (in "to go or not to go" posts)!!</p>

<p>markerr, you are welcome! ^^</p>

<p>Prospective</a> Net is a good place to ask about the exact details of the accessibilty options at WP. If you have not joined, give it a try...I have found it to be a great resource. </p>

<p>I do know that it will be very possible for you to visit West Point. There is plenty of H-parking close behind the stands on The Plain, which is centrally located. And if something happens and the H spots are filled, then a family member can drop you and the other passengers off, then park, and walk (or ride the bus) back to you. You just have to allow plenty of time. I am not sure about building accessibility...but I saw elevators in every building and several parents and grandparents getting around in WC's. </p>

<p>PPW is wonderful...definitely plan to go.</p>

<p>West Point is a difficult but not impossible area to traverse for those in wheelchairs. There is designated handicapped parking throughout the post. And, and for special events such as plebe parent weekend additional handicapped parking is set aside. Most but not all buildings have elevator service. However, the campus is built on the side of a mountain and is, in some places, quite hilly. Many of the activities for Plebe Parent Weekend are in the central area, which is fairly level. Notification about Plebe Parent Weekend events will be posted on the West Point webiste, United</a> States Military Academy at West Point, and I suggest you monitor that site for information. In addition, I strongly recommend that you join a parent's club in your area. These independent and autonomous clubs run by experienced cadet parents in almost every state provide a wealth of information and guidance. A listing of clubs will be sent out in the Parents Almanac by the admissions office to accepted candidate parents. Finally, your child should notify his tactical officer that he has a family member with special needs, so that adequate accommodations can be made prior to your visit.</p>

<p>I attended PPW this year and saw a number of folks in wheel chairs. True, West Point is built into the side of a mountain or mountains, but the central area is fairly flat, the buildings have elevators and there are lots of handicap parking spots. As to specific events and highlights, the parade field has handicap parking and handicap viewing spots in the middle of the bleachers. Washington Hall where the Banquet takes place has wheel chair accessability and Eisenhower Hall where the Commandants Speech to parents and the Hop take place has wheel chair accessability and handicap parking. The only thing that someone in a wheelchair might not be able to do is visit your plebe's room. I don't remember seeing and elevator or handicap access to the barracks, but someone else might be able to tell you whether they do or don't. Another highlight is simply taking your plebe back to your hotel and/or to dinner to visit. You should be able to do both of those things quite easily. Don't miss PPW!</p>

<p>I appreciate all the information - thanks a bunch!!!</p>

<p>I have already subscribed to prospective-net and am waiting for the nearest parent club to allow new parents to join. I think I've been to every site online at least twice - I've just been anxious for information about getting around and now I feel much better. Especially good to know that plebe should notify tactical officer.</p>

<p>I took an elevator in the barracks (6 flights was just too much for me). And the hallways are very wide.</p>