USNA questions

How many sports do you recommend for someone that wants to get into the academy to be involved in? Also, what GPA should they have?

The answer to the sports question is “It depends”. One candidate can have a single sport be sufficient if they excel at it and are dedicated to it. I have one candidate now who plays volleyball for her high school team (team captain), plays winters on a travelling club volleyball team (also team captain), and leads an informal summer league for high school volleyball players. One sport, but shows great leadership and dedication. I have another candidate who plays high school football, basketball, and track, and plays on a travelling soccer team as well. 4 different sports but shows great physical fitness. Do the sports what you enjoy and at which you excel and you will be fine. Balance sports with leadership opportunities and academics. Sports will mean nothing if you don’t have the academic base to get through USNA.

As far as GPA, the answer is to get as high as you are capable. The goal should always be a 100 or 4.0 depending you your system’s scoring. Do your best, and that is the most you can do. Candidates can get in with a 3.4 if they have something else that demonstrates that they are capable. Others will be rejected with a 4.0 if they have nothing else to offer besides academics. The “whole person” concept is used to determine who gets an appointment.