USNA Summer Seminar vs. Summer STEM

What’s the difference? Do they both have academics? Athletics?

@highsckid: Take a look at the USNA website for the descriptions of both:

The main difference is that summer STEM is a tech camp for “building cool things” that has nothing to do with whether or not you’re interested in attending the academy while NASS is designed to give students who might be interested in becoming a future Naval officer a small taste of what it would be like to attend the academy. Based on your question, NASS is athletic/military focused; STEM is academic focused (no organized athletics that I know of). The camps are two very different things targeted to different audiences.

My rising 9th grader just received waitlist for the Summer Stem. Wondering if anyone on here has experience with this waitlist to know how many are on it, if it is ranked and if they ever go to it.

My daughter, 9th grader now, also is just waitlisted for Summer Stem. I have similar questions: how many people are on the waitlisted? How likely she will be off the waitlists. She is the very few stem girls who took Algebra 1 Honors in 6th grade. As a freshman she is taking Pre-Cal Honors and AP Computer Science. She has all A (not A-) for all courses she took. AMC 10 honor rolls. She plays club volleyball, coaches local es volleyball team, enjoys Robotics team… Just wonder what kind of qualification this camp is looking for.

She sounds like what they are looking for. I don’t know how they narrow it down when they get 5,000 applicants. My son is 8th grade, Advanced Geometry, all A’s, has a GIEP (gifted placement in district), robotics for 3 years (but dropped it this year due to covid), ran cross country in 7th (cyber school this year so no sports), just specified and built a computer, wants to be a pilot and attend the Naval Academy and wrote about that in his essay. (grandfather is an NA grad)
In our experience with other types of highly selective programs, waiting lists are rarely drawn from. But I am curious if this year that will be different since they moved it online. I can’t remember if they announced that after the deadline or not but it was certainly after we submitted. And the price is the same as in-person in previous years (actually a little more than 2019).

Wow! Impressive! It would be interesting to see who got in. My daughter’ grandfather was a Navy officer, pilot. She is also considering to go to Navy Academy.

My younger son (current 8th grader) got in Summer STEM. Lots of sports plus pretty strong PSAT scores and grades.

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@Centrillion did your kiddo get in off the waitlist? My son did. Super excited! Just wish it was in person.

Hi! Congrats! Same here. My daughter got in, off the waitlist. She is excited and wishes it was in person too.

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