<p>Many times the arguments on USNWR rankings focus on the very different nature of the institutions being compared and how this undermines the quality of the assigned rankings. </p>
<p>How would the rankings look if one lumped similar type schools in the one controlled group, eg, three groups of schools:
1) Private universities with a diversified assortment of academic offerings,
2) Private and Public universities with a heavy concentration in a technical area of study (engineering, computer science, etc) that is greater than 25% of the student majors;
3) Public universities</p>
<p>There are almost certainly additional ways to slice these groups further (size?). </p>
<p>One of the results and benefits of this approach is more winners and higher ranks for nearly all of the colleges. :)</p>
<p>Probably more important is that this is more of an apples-to-apples comparison and more likely a better and more relevant depiction of how schools compare with schools that are more truly peer institutions. It is also likely that these groups are where the greatest amount of cross applications occur (state universities excluded as they crossover with all). </p>
<p>Using these groups for the USNWR Top 50 national universities (and using the same rank order as the 2007 survey), here is one possible way to group similar institutions: </p>
<p>1 Princeton
2 Harvard
3 Yale
4 Stanford
5 U Penn
6 Duke
7 U Chicago
7 Dartmouth
7 Columbia
10 Cornell
10 Wash U StL
12 Northwestern
13 Brown
14 J Hopkins
15 Rice
16 Emory
16 Vanderbilt
18 Notre Dame
19 Georgetown
20 USC
20 Tufts
22 Wake Forest
23 Brandeis
24 Boston College
24 NYU
24 U Rochester
27 Tulane
27 Yeshiva</p>
<p>1 MIT
1 Cal Tech
3 Carnegie Mellon
4 Lehigh
5 Georgia Tech
5 Case Western
7 Rensselaer</p>
<p>1 UC Berkeley
2 U Virginia
2 U Michigan
5 U North Carolina
6 W & M
7 U Wisconsin
9 U Illinois UC
10 U Washington
11 UC Irvine
12 UC Davis
12 Penn State
12 U Florida
12 U Texas
12 UC S Barbara</p>