<p>Both are 6 year pharmacy programs. Got accepted into both of them with MCPHS giving me slightly less money in loans/grants. According to my financial aid aid package to USP (which I think is basically final at this point i'm not sure...) It says that I can get $34,000 in loans/grants. This all seems really nice but I have a problem with both schools.</p>

<p>They seem like they wouldn't be socially lively schools. It feels like most people would just be studying everyday and doing nothing on the weekends if I attended either one of these schools. Especially MCPHS which I heard everything is located in one building. But the upside is that they're pharmacy and if I graduate from one of these schools I'll basically be making a nice salary for the rest of my life.</p>

<p>Now I did get accepted into another school thats a state college. Rutgers arts and science. I applied to pharmacy there but got rejected. Now I basically have three choices, one isn't pharmacy.</p>

<p>If I go to Rutgers I feel I'll have a better time there socially but not so much academically but I have no clue which kind of major I'll try to pursue there... If I go to USP or MCPHS I basically have a goal in mind, pharmacy. But again I feel that there wouldn't be a social atmosphere at these schools... can anyone help me decide :(</p>

<p>maybe you can attend another school and fulfil the pre-pharmacy requisites and apply to a pharmacy school? I definately think being comfortable at a school is VERy important. If you are bored at your school and it so very un-lively, you’ll probably become less motivated to study. However, pharmacy students do have to study a lot but I feel like you should still be able to have fun in college. Did you visit the schools yet? I got accepted into a few pharmacy schools also; USP, MCPHS, ACPHS, and St. Johns. I took out MCPHS because it’s just one building and I feel like I’m miss out on the whole college experience. I also took out ACPHS because it’s in Albany which is like in the middle of no where. I’m stuck between USP and St. Johns but I’m leaning more towards St. Johns since its in my city (NYC) and it’s not a specialized school like USP(USP only offers health/science majors while St. John’s University offers many different majors). I’d say go visit and speak with the students who attend there. </p>

<p>JUST MAKE SURE- attend the school you’ll feel most comfortable with or else you’ll feel miserable for all 6 years!</p>

<p>If you want to stick with pharmacy and your only options are USP or MCPHS, I’d recommend that you go to the school that offers you more $$.</p>