UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

UT is the only school by DD is applying to that is on the Coalition App platform; all others were Common App. There are four short answer prompts as well as a personal essay (challenge or obstacle during HS). She already has a strong personal essay that was used in the Common App but the topic doesn’t translate to UT’s essay prompt (similar word count). Does she do an entirely new personal essay and if she does, does the original personal essay she did that’s on the “locker” of the coalition app get pulled into UT’s application at the end? Thanks so much!

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None of the essays the are associated with her Coalition app will be accessible to UT.
Only what she does through Common App will be seen by UT.

Thanks. In general it is wonderful that UT is allowing students to explain their lower performance, rather than dismissing them.

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Understood but the personal essay she wrote for the common app is saved in her locker for the Coalition app as well which is the application platform for UT.

Question is will the 4 short answers, the challenge/opportunity essay along with a general personal essay all be part of the final UT app? Or just the specific personal essay along with the four short answers.

Does there happen to be a way to preview the application on Coalition app? Maybe that will let you see if the person essay is there.

(Sorry I can’t actually help; my son used goapplytexas.org for his UT application)

Good luck to your daughter!

Good question. I know you can preview inside the common app. Will have my daughter look. Thanks

You can take a look at the View Submission option that shows up after submission. It has everything that you sent. Additionally, the PDF is stored in ‘Locker’ and you can take a look. Personal statement, resumes are all stored documents so won’t show up in the Locker PDF inline. Hope that answers your question

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Hi everyone, I have a question about submitting the housing application. My D applied Sunday night and got her EID on Monday. We’ve had trouble logging in to the portal to submit her housing application though. Is it the same login information as for MyStatus? Or is she supposed to register for an account? Her MyStatus login credentials don’t seem to work for the housing portal. We keep getting an error message. I can’t find any specific instructions. Thanks for any help!

If the topic doesn’t translate she will need to do a new one. My daughter just submitted her UT Austin application. She chose an open topic to write about revealing her character transformation through one of her activies. UT essay is touching upon similar topic except she had to sketch it and make it little longer. Another thing is, we need to attach it ourselves along with the application, it doesn’t happen automatically and the portal wouldn’t let you submit if you don’t attach the essay. Hope that explains it.

Very helpful. Thank you so much!

No help here… My son is having the same problem. Is her application listed as complete? My son’s is incomplete because his transcript has not been received yet. I was wondering if that was his problem with the housing portal.

Thanks for the response. Yes, it’s complete. Her transcript was sent Monday and she actually got her auto admit confirmation today when she logged in, so we know the login works for MyStatus. I just can’t figure out if she’s supposed to use the same password for housing app. I guess I’ll try to call tomorrow. I can’t find an email address to send a help message or anything on that webpage either.

Please let me know if you figure out the housing issue if you don’t mind.

Congrats on the fast auto admit! Did she also get her major? I have one son at UT now and he absolutely loves it there.

I’ll definitely report back if I get info about it.

No, she’ll have to wait for her major. Even though her major isn’t competitive (liberal arts) it will still likely be awhile. But thanks! It was kind of anti-climactic because they don’t email or anything but still nice to have that confirmation that she did what she was supposed to do with the application. :sweat_smile:

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I recall that when my DS (class of 24) applied, there was a lag of a few days between when app showed as complete and housing portal opened up. Keeping checking it.

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Thanks @cardiqueen . That lag must have been it because it worked when I tried this morning and I was able to pay. @wndrwmn Apparently we need to just keep trying.


My daughter applied just in time for the Nov 1 deadline last year and submitted the housing app a couple of days later (if I recall correctly). She ended up with a fairly early spot in the housing selection queue and had no trouble getting a dorm room where she wanted. I just wanted to say that for those of you who are anxious about getting the housing app done.


For auto-admit students, is there any benefit to applying by the Nov 1 priority deadline? D22 is auto-admit and has been focusing on her reach schools, with the intention of applying to UT by Dec. 1. But I’m reading comments about things like housing, and I wonder whether we should rethink the plan.

Definite benefit to applying by Nov 1 deadline. Auto-admit only guarantees admission, not choice of major.

Does anyone know when OOS admission decisions start coming out? I heard last year the earliest was around mid-December, but I don’t have that confirmed.