UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

If it is true, then maybe some non-autos lied last year about their RIS…

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It might be today since last wave was a week ago, and most waves came out in pairs with one week interval.

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No one lies on social media especially if it is an anonymous platform.


You can see courses on RIS?

I am a non-auto (from non-ranking school). I have my first major (mathematics) in my RIS. (Very high grades and 35 ACT, so maybe that makes a difference).

My school (private) does not rank and does not tell you where you are in the class. Perhaps UT has a formula to figure it out, but I don’t think anyone from my school is considered auto-admit.

Your school is private there are no auto-admits though correct? I thought the autos were only from public schools, I’m OOS though so might be wrong.

Right. I was responding to the statement that said non-ranking Texas schools tell students if they are in top 6%. Public schools may have to do that, but all I know is my Texas private school doesn’t rank and doesn’t tell you that information.


Does your portal still show that message? If not, how long until it went away? Showing same thing here (assuming it’s because of mid-year report) and wondering how long it takes them to process it.

The mid-year report from my high school was sent on a Thursday or Friday. By the following Tuesday (MLK Monday in between), the To Do was cleared.

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ahh okay, sorry I was confused

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Only public (and partially public) funded schools are required to rank their top 10%. Private schools are not required to rank their students.

Has anyone OOS heard from admissions? Seems all the chatter is regarding in state apps


Where exactly on MyUT are you able to see courses?? Also, are you auto admit or non auto, in state or out of state? Thanks.

I’m non auto, in state. And I allow pop ups on my computer, so when I go in it just kinda comes up.

But I have no decision, and I don’t have anything in RIS or CASH. It’s pretty weird. I applied priority of course, for bio.

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Yes. My daughter was in your kiddo’s situation and heard this week in 2020. I believe it was Friday, 1/24.

Did it used to say (failed to log in, canvas doesn’t have an account for user: my EID) with a red caution sign a few days ago?

Registration Information Sheet. You can find it if you click home button in MyStatus (upper right corner)

Schools that don’t rank students don’t have to report rank. UT and other schools come up with their ranking system based on their own previous year’s applicant pool