UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Nothing here. RTF oos


Some autos on reddit said that they got assigned to a random major? Not sure if thatā€™s a thing or not

Well, except some would consider a second choice major better than general COLA, which is what ends up happening to a lot of AA. And that can be frustrating because they take spots that non-Auto applicants actually want.


Yes if they donā€™t get into either first or second choice.

I know right?! It is not fair they take up spots when they donā€™t want the major.

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I donā€™t think OOS are coming out today. I would not expect a decision yet. My kiddo is OOS as well. I think this thread is the most stressful thread of all the college threads. A set date is easier than the waves. Whatever the decision is for any and all of you, know that you are more than just the stats on a paper for college admission. Also know that sometimes the things one wants most arenā€™t meant to be. If you donā€™t get into UT you may find yourself happier than you could have ever imagined at another university. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU ALL!


Iā€™m so scared my friend with insane stats just got rejected from McCombs. Iā€™m still waiting. We had super similar stats. Do you all think autos with no decision will hear back today?

Honestly not sure. Do you know if UT has a history of rolling out decisions over a couple of hours, or if itā€™s all at once?

couple of hours Iā€™m sure of it because last time my friend got McCombs at 7

someone on Reddit just got into cs!

I think the notification email goes out 2 hours after portal update. So your friend may have seen the email and then checked. So if you donā€™t hear pretty shortly I would assume you wonā€™t until another wave.

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Ok. Also, do you still have the bad data in RIS?

Unfortunately yes

Iā€™m shocked that UT doesnā€™t factor in mental health of students and parents while rolling out decisions this way. Especially during a pandemic. There is no pattern or logic whatsoever.


my portal says iā€™ve been accepted into my third choice major bc they were unable to offer me a spot in the other 2

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Wonder if theyā€™ll do a big wave like last year where they dump basically all OOS at once

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Where did they explain that they couldnā€™t offer you a spot in the other two?

on the admission tab of mystatus

Iā€™m sorry about your news. Hard to believe! I hope youā€™re into CS elsewhere if that is your preferred major.

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Son got COLA, rejected for McCombs and Economics. High 1500ā€™s SAT, top 2% auto, National Merit, strong extracurriculars (athletics and academics) and leadership positions. Even had an interview with BHP two weeks ago. We are all shocked!