UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

I’m interested in CAP but my parents want me to go to A&M even when I’m wanting to major in liberal arts (psychology). They say they won’t support me financially. What should I do?

They say they can’t trust me getting above 3.2 GPA not because I am lazy, but because there might be certain unpredictable obstacles… like getting sick… :confused:

A&M is a great school and if you are accepted there directly into psychology it is a great option . Yes there are some risks with CAP for sure like the 3.2

If you don’t really have a strong preference of schools I would go with the sure thing . My daughter isn’t even totally sold on CAP , she is just considering it .


Relax. It is directed at all of the parents on here. Present company and beyond!!

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Ok, thanks for your advice.

This is complete BS. No way this is true.


“TAMU actually has a great psychology department” (put in quotes because that’s what my mom says, as a TAMU alum)

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Hi, apologies if this is a common (annoying) question, but I was wondering if I should expect to receive my non-auto, in-state, regular admission to business major decision this week? I see that on the website, only priority decisions come out before Feb 1, but then I saw contradicting info on forums that all decisions come out before then. Thanks!

Just heard from UT!


A decision?

My in-state non-auto admit kid just found out they were admitted to Architectural engineering.


Yes. In state, non-auto, mech eng.


Just got admitted to CS! In-state, non-auto.


So are we thinking this is a small or big wave before Friday, and these are all more competitive majors like engineering and CS?

OMG just admitted to business, in state non auto regular!


a… any non auto liberal arts…? no?

oops replied to wrong person. sorry.

Nothin for me :sweat_smile:

yes, I agree with your mom. but I want to live my college life near the city (Austin) and I was born there (although I lived in a different country)

I got into CS! Non-auto btw, my RIS was bad 1000 data the whole day today