UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Thank you!

Congrats! Do you mind sharing her stats?

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My daughter’s stats were better across the board. Same major. Biology. No word yet.


35 ACT, excellent match to major with work experience and extracurriculars, strong essays, not top 25% in class because change of school after Freshman year of high school/different grading. All AP or advanced classes. 5s on AP Exams.

What the hell? Non-autos hearing before a big portion of autos? Many autos still waiting. I’m so sad and discouraged. I want McCombs so badly. Could this be it for acceptances?

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Congratulations on wave of approvals today! Any Honors (like Plan 2) decisions today?

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Bye guys
 it’s been fun. I’m going to leave and go to a&m lol :wave:


just got accepted into moody! :metal:t4:


i have, rtf major!


Did you just get in now or did you just check? Are they still updating?

Would you mind sharing stats, prior film experience (if any) and whether you submitted a film or not?

Don’t give up! Doesn’t seem like liberal arts gave out decisions today. I know the waiting is terrible.

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Got in around 7:30 this evening

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Do y’all think tonight was the last wave?

OOS still need decisions and lots of autos haven’t heard back. Acceptances are bound to be given out. To who is the question. Will the rest of non autos and autos get rejected and OOS are the only ones to be admitted? Who knows. UT usually does not do waves Tuesday. Everything is fair game at this point.

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i checked a couple of hours ago but got no email so i’m not too sure

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congrats! do you mind sharing stats/ if you submitted a film?

Daughter accepted to Arts and Entertainment Technologies!! In state, non auto, non ranking school.


Are there decisions still going out??

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