UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

I also heard they wait until 5pm or later due to a debacle some years ago when students got notified at lunch time. It was a distraction and resulted in chaos that schools had to manage.


Or upset applicants have an evening to calm down before calling AO the next day.


Indeed. That too, but from everything I hear the poor front line AOs have nothing to do with decisions. I sure hope that job pays more than I think it does!


Are we expecting few acceptances on 1/28 and rejections on 2/1? or 1 wave of both. OOS waiting

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Best guess based on what’s happened in previous years is tomorrow and/or Monday there will be a big wave of acceptances, and 2/1 they will send out all rejections. But as you probably know, UT Austin is anything but predictable. My daughter is OOS waiting too. Best of luck!


Does UT instagram want the negative reactions too? My kid’s reaction was WTH? :worried:


I wouldn’t rule out tonight as they’ve been rolling out the past several evenings.

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Hi! I have a question on the MyStatus page. I noticed that the below document was added to my account yesterday and neither I or my school added the document. I tried to call to find out what the document was but I couldn’t get ahold of anyone. Does anyone know what the document means or could mean? I’m not sure if the tabs mean anything but I have attached what my MyStatus page looks like as far as what information is available.

Same thing happened to my kid
no idea what it is

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It was added on November 30 here

FWIW, My son was accepted to McCombs on Wednesday morning 1/26.
SAT 1510
Top 7%
3.97 / 5.48
All AP’s
Founded club as Freshman
Minor work experience
Average volunteering
2 Strong Letters of Rec
Essays-who knows how good?
Deferred EA from Georgetown McDounough
Still waiting on others


Ya I also got it on Decemeber 17th and I have no idea what they are

Son just had status change. OOS Liberal Arts


I have been logging into the portal all day and hitting refresh. Exactly at 5 pm central, it showed I got into McCombs. OOS. No information on BHP.


I got in! Civil Engineering, OOS, RD. Just checked portal right now! Can’t believe it!


So today is OOS wave? Do you guys think non-auto in state wave is over? I think there were a lot of non-auto people accepted

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Do they all come out at one time? Or is it a rolling wave throughout the evening typically?

Have they been rolling?


Stats if you don’t mind me asking? Also OOS applying to McCombs but nothing yet