UT Dallas Class of 2026 - Admission Discussion

I haven’t received anything yet either I think it will be announced this week though

Well that’s something- I thought they’d given out everything to those admitted before 11/19 so we’d stopped checking. I was surprised I thought UTD gave out a lot of funding. Maybe there’s still hope. On a similar subject, does anyone know when Terry Scholarships are awarded? I thought January 31st for some reason.

Agreed, it’s very strange. I’ve scoured all other forums and am not seeing many people sharing they’ve received AES (compared to prior years). It is odd they changed the date on the AES page from 11/18 to 12/5; my son was admitted 11/17. Does that mean he is no longer in the running? I suggested he email them to ask. My son did not apply for Terry so I’m not sure about it.

You get notified if you’re selected for terry scholarship in March i believe but you can check the website to make sure!

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My son was also admitted on 11/17 that’s why I thought he was out of the running. If your son hears back would you mind sharing g what they say please? I’ve emailed admissions a couple of times about campus tours - one was answered after a week the other never. I think they are swamped.

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Kind of quiet here, anyone know what tuition rate UTD will be this fall, I have a feeling it will surpass $10K a semester this year. For some reason I can’t find anything from the Galaxy portal only last Fall data.

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On the cost front, UTD is not very open as compared to TAMU. It is hardly “the best value public university” as claimed by Forbes as UTD is the most expensive public university in Texas.

UTD increases tuition dramatically in the last 4 years, a student taking 15 credit hours in guaranteed rate cost $6264 a semester in 2017 Fall and $8206 in 2021 Fall. If that trend holds 2022 guaranteed rate (not publish yet) can be $9000 a semester. And if you are keen to numbers below, starting 2019, taking 12 credit hours cost the same as 15 hours. (no discount taking fewer classes)
Adding a department based fee (e.g. business school $60/hr will be $900 per semester)
So not including books, other fees, student insurance, room and board and transportation. the cost on tuition and fee alone is close to $10K a semester.


Yes, hstrsphnt, I will share if we hear anything

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Guess that pushes more local kids to CC for first two years. A Plano Sr HS friend chose UTD after being CAP’d. He has a good PT job thanks to UTD Jindal but isn’t involved with the university. Good value proposition for him.

A niece is in Richardson ISD and wants to be a HS teacher. She wants to go CC or even Navy but I have been pushing UTD. $9k per semester would require solid amount of loans.


Agree. In the same metroplex, UNT tuition with all fees for 12 credit hours stands at $5.9K. ($4K cheaper). So UNT is also a good option for Education and Business students.


hstrsphnt, I called admissions and was told that they have already finished the decisions for the batch who were admitted around 11/16-11/17. Students who get an AES will be notified, students who do not will not be notified that they are not getting one. He checked and confirmed my son is not getting one. Very disappointing. UTD is off the list. My son has much better offers at other schools. We also won’t bother having my other son ('24) consider it when the time comes.


Dh and I are UTD alums and are still within easy driving distance of UTD. Unless the kid wants to stay local (doing CC and transferring), I doubt we will have future kids apply to UTD due to the lower merit offers and increased tuition. Dd received much better offers from other schools.

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Maybe UTD is focused on building its endowment? I had heard it wants to expand beyond engineering and business.

Do you mind sharing your sons stats?

3.98 UW (his one B was honors pre calc during remote learning), 33 ACT, National Hispanic Merit Scholar (1410 PSAT, did not take SAT). I should note he didn’t study for any of his standardized tests - he’s always tested high (23 on ACT in 7th grade as part of Duke TIP; earned state recognition). His small high school does not rank (THIS could be a factor…). His senior class is 98 students. They do tell you summer after junior year if you make top 10%/6% for the kids looking at auto admit; he did not. His high school is college prep so all of the core classes are high rigor, and it’s a competitive group. This is why they don’t rank and they don’t give AP/Honors much weight (an A in either is only 4.07). He took honors/AP, but his school does limit to 3 AP per year - that may have been a factor too if they were looking for “all AP” classes. His school does not offer IB nor DE. His teachers think very highly of him, and I’m sure wrote and strong LOR. He has multiple leadership roles, extra curricular activities, and service hours. He has great offers elsewhere, so we’re taking this as a sign UTD is not a good fit for him. It’s truly their loss.

thank you :slight_smile: I can understand moving on! My daughter also has great offers elsewhere. to be honest I just need her to get any type of AES! to be considered for the McDermott scholarship! (really her main motivation for applying to UTD). They are just so behind in everything! it kind of scares me!!

What is her acceptance date? If it was before 12/5, and she didn’t hear anything last week, it’s likely she didn’t get anything. You may want to call admissions to confirm.

The good thing is it is after that, it’s 12/15 :slight_smile:

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I talked to UTD admissions office about the AES awards. They mentioned that for those who received their admission letter after 12/5, they are still reviewing. Awards should go out soon, but there is no clear timeline in sight as it is taking a bit of time.

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So she just received an email about the scholarship she was waiting for, in it it referenced the AES that she has received… checked her portal, and sure enough, there is one!