Does anyone have experience with the UT on ramps courses offered at high school specifically the college Algebra (Algebra 2)? Our high school offers it as a 6.0 course but I am having trouble finding anyone that has taken it to see how it is.
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My D26 is in OnRamps Algebra 2 currently. The quality of the teacher, and their level of commitment to the program, plays a huge role. OnRamps is designed to allow the kids to work together and explore the material under the teacher’s guidance, but if you get a teacher that’s lazy or doesn’t understand the program, you can end up with no guidance at all - “y’all are supposed to figure this out, so good luck.” My kids haven’t had that experience yet, but many others at our school have. I think generally OnRamps is great for kids who are bright and motivated, but for a kid who may be struggling with the material or less than excited about the class, I’d prefer a normal classroom setting with more proactive instruction.
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