<p>Hi everyone,</p>
<p>I am an Early Decision Applicant for Princeton, but I was wondering if you guys could help me come to a conclusion as to which other universities to consider. I have a prstats account, and my username is Mahajan. For those of you who do not know how to access my statistics, you can go to the following website (with a <a href="http://www">www</a>. in front)</p>
<p>and my scores should come up. </p>
<p>I am a Texan, so I can secure auto admission into UT and Texas A&M. Right now, if I get rejected from Princeton, I am anxious to apply to the UT Plan II Program and also the UT Business Honors Program. Have you guys heard of these? If so, what is their reputation outside of Texas?</p>
<p>How would you compare those individual programs to the following (even taking money into account...we can pay for good schools, but my parents only want to spend big bucks on Ivies, and say that otherwise I can get a great education at these state schools--which is true):</p>
<p>Duke, Northwestern, University of Pennsylvania, Rice, Columbia, NYU, Dartmouth.</p>
<p>I am specifically asking for evaluations in the field of Business and political science, but anything is welcome. Also, if you can give me any ideas of chances, that would be great too.</p>
<p>Thank you for your time!</p>