<p>i've gotten into ut and im still waiting to hear from liberal arts honors. at smu i've gotten into their businness scholars program and honors program, and im getting around a $12,000 scholarship from smu. i want to go to med school so which one would be better? Would it be easier to get into med school if i attend a private university? And i know UT is a better school than smu, but i just wanna know which one would be the better for med school. Oh and does anyone know how UT's bio med engineering program is? Is it hard to maintain a good gpa in that cause someone told me its pretty easy at ut.</p>
<p>Just FYI, U.T. Liberal Arts Honors letters have all been mailed out. My son received his April 5. You better call and find out what happened to your letter!!!</p>
<p>these schools are very different. UT is a better school but it might be easier to get a better GPA at SMU?</p>
<p>wow...i had no idea UT was the better school....i just expected the school that costs a billion times more to be better....i guess not</p>
<p>" businness scholars program " and going to med school....nice combination....</p>
<p>UT spends a LOT more money than SMU on everything it does</p>
<p>i know that the UT business school is really good....but im guessing its easier to get a job in the dallas area with a SMU degree then a UT degree...</p>
<p>SMU has a really nice campus....but its a lot different then UT...</p>
<p>i like to refer to SMU as "Highland Park 13th grade"</p>
<p>im pretty sure it will be easier to get a good gpa at smu.</p>
<p>i assume you're in the dallas area. so, if you're really serious about premed, you should look into utd or uta. those two schools have fairly good premed programs, probably better than ut's, in terms of their marticulation rates. im not sure how smu rates for premed, i havent heard anything about it, but in all serious, you should def look into utd or uta. its not too late to apply.</p>
<p>[edit] ut's biomed program is extremely good. its probably the hardest major, other than planii, to enter. in any case, have fun doing biomed and premed together. i have a friend who has a 4.0, but that was in his first semester. no doubt it gets harder later on. but being an engineering while doing premed is very difficult. definitely doable, but its rare to hear of engineering majors entering med school.</p>
<p>[edit2] kbfunkymonkey is right about the whole "highland park, 13th grade" thing. if you end up going there, you better learn to dress nicely, because thats how everyone rolls there - dressed up nicely from top to bottom. coming into class with your pjs gets you immediately shunned from everyone else, from what i hear, haha.</p>
<p>the stereotypes about SMU are true, but exaggerated a lot of the time. it's a great school, but you have to know what you're getting yourself into.</p>
<p>I have several VERY smart friends turning down berkeley and UNC for UTD, which my friend told me had a 72% med-school acceptance rate (is that good?)</p>
<p>yes that is extremely high - is that possible?</p>
<p>actually matta, its 78%. i have friends who also, are geniuses, and turned down other schools for UTD, either because of the full ride, or because of UTD's outrageously good premed program. i have talked much about this in previous threads. search around.</p>
<p>the 72% is definitly possible.</p>
<p>im in the dallas area too. i was also wondering which is better for med program SMU or UTD? i know i can get accepted and probably get either merit based scholarship or financial aid to both.....</p>
<p>def UTD........</p>
<p>UT is a much better school of the two, especially if you want to work out-of-state. UT has a lot more name recognition than SMU.</p>
<p>I worked with a guy who was a SMU graduate and I felt that he couldn't do more with the degree than you can with a UT degree. Plus the fact that UT is a lot cheaper, it's a win-win situation.</p>
<p>Does that mean UT is without faults? Of course not. At UT, you'll just be another face in the crowd, known to the staff only by a number. But out of the two, I'll take UT anytime.</p>
<p>dont go to smu... its way overpriced, if youre going to pay that much to go to college you might as well go for something better like rice or michigan or something</p>
<p>I agree with aarosurf. SMU doesn't really have a strong reputation in Texas for how much it costs. There's better known schools out of state that cost just as much for Texas residents.</p>
<p>SMU is very near to where I live at. However, I wouldn't even think about going there, even if they offered me full ride. If you live in that area, consider UTA or UTD.</p>
<p>My brother goes to UTD (majoring in Chemistry)...honestly they're science programs are really, really good. Plus they give tons of scholarships (practically full rides are handed out with the right stats). UTD's Pre-med program from what I hear is excellent. The only downside t me is UTD is practically a commuter school (kind of like UTA) unlike UT.</p>
<p>I agree - SMU is overpriced and overrated, you can definitely can get a better deal elsewhere.</p>
<p>I agree, ballin, I have a relative that lives near SMU. It's a nice campus in a nice neighborhood, and the class sizes are smaller than UT, but I don't think it's worth the extra cost to go to SMU over UT. SMU doesn't have a stronger reputation to warrant the extra cost, so to pick it over UT would have to be due to personal, non-academic reasons.</p>