been doing stupid chores to pass the time lol…haircut, gym, laundry etc. Can someone call and ask?
I’m watching YouTube videos Lol and refreshing the page every 30 minutes…
I’m at work right now and can honestly say I haven’t worked at all so far
Decisions will be released tonight! everyone put your champagne on ice!
The blog just got updated!!
Transfer blog update: decisions will be released today for sure!!!
@alarak we shud be friends because I am doing the exact same thing
Decisions will be released today according to the blog.
You guys need to chill lol
do you think they fixed the checklist thing?
Time to leave work
Just updated decisions tonight
@rainbowdippndots They’d be pretty dumb to have not done that ages ago.
I’d just watch out for the “pay your deposit” To-Do to appear. Or whatever, at this point people should just wait two hours and chill tf out.
Remember my earlier posts about me being calm? NOW I’M FREAKING OUT!
THEY POSTED. I’m so happy!!!
Time to play the game how many angry orchards can I drink before 5pm lol
Home stretch, folks!
regardless of my decision I want everyone to know I enjoyed talking with everyone on this forum and I wish you all the best of luck!!
Danny Carey’s blessings upon you
Good luck to everyone!!