UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

I hope it will but no way to be sure. The wording is a bit suspicious but nothing is a guarantee.

Can you link or quote what they specifically said???

ummm in my portal… normally at the bottom there is a space to withdraw your app but that part is now gone… is that a sign of something

follow up… I checked previous threads and applicants noticed the same thing a few days prior to decisions being released

It’s gone for me too!

Mine too!

yup yup same. 3 more days :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Yep mines gone as well. I mean we’re 3 days out so they probably already read through everything and made their decisions- kind of useless to let kids withdraw this close decision day!

In past years, those who were accepted tended to have their test scores disappear from their SIS a few days prior to decisions. I wonder if that’s going to be the case this year.

just to add on, people who sent in act scores never had their scores disappear

i wish it would come out sooner than Friday


Hey all, we always turn off the option to withdraw the application the week of a decision release. It’s a normal part of the calendar. :slight_smile:


how do you know this

Hi Dean J, should we expect decisions to come out this Friday?


reading thru all the previous years threads

can u link em please i really wanna read em

Obviously this isn’t the best indication but just wanna get everyone else’s thoughts… anyone else feel like maybe less students applied to UVA this year?

I know when the thread was first created we discussed less engagement, but in every year past the week of decisions the threads almost always been going crazy with so many new and different users, but this year it feels as if almost the same 30 people are the only ones engaging. Like every past year has had over 1000 responses, but we’re still sitting at just about 300 lol.



yeah man, i think its really weird. only 280 replies, and half of the thread is from the same 3 people. What’s going on?!

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I feel like in general a lot of people are not applying due to covid-19 and going to community college for at least two years because the cost is just to much during these times. The best option for a lot of people is going to CC this year and last year too save money because of this pandemic but also that is just a possibility in this whole thing. There is just the plain chance that a lot of people just don’t know about this thread and aren’t interacting as much. I hope that is the case but you really never know! But I do feel that UVA, VT, and other universities in general have had a more holistic “holistic” view on applications. ALSO I feel like decisions are coming out tomorrow???!?? I don’t know why- this took a turn on your question. But I do hope that is the case in what your saying but you truly never know lol!