UVA Fall 2021 Transfer Thread

Hi everyone,
given that the application is due tonight, I thought it’d be neat to set up a thread so we could all discuss the transfer process for UVA Fall 2021. Post your stats if you want!


I’ll go first:
College GPA: 3.88 w 15 credits so far, taking 17 this semester.
HS GPA; 3.86, 12 APs
Got a lot of the pre-requirements fulfilled
No letters of rec
Decent essays
Most ECs are from last year of HS, got some from college though
Biology Major

Instate first year at public (think gmu, jmu, vcu)
College GPA: 3.92 (17 credits), 17 more this sem
HS GPA: 4.13/4, 10 APs (received 43 DE+AP credits for college)
ACT: 34 superscore (33 composite)
Applying to CAS as pre-comm/compsci; got all requirements done except 2 sems of language, one humanities, and the second writing req (im guessing all first-year applicants have SWR missing)
LOR from english prof. last sem (mediocre at best)
Decent essays
4 clubs in college, member in all except secretary for one; ec’s in hs are just a bunch of clubs nothing crazy

Hi borderlands2, epic gamer name and thanks for the post bro xD!

I’m applying for 2nd-year Fall to the College of Arts and Sciences, and I listed economics and government public policy as my interests.


  • Instate Resident and currently attend Instate University
  • College GPA: 3.83; 16 credits first semester, 15 credit second semester
  • HS GPA: Low 3.8s (3.81-3.83 not exactly sure)
  • Have a decent amount of transfer requirements complete
  • 1 Letter of Recommendation from Statistics professor
  • Decent Essays
  • Extracurriculars mostly from High School, only one or two minor ones from college
  • *Mid-term report should be all A’s

hi guys


From VA but go to school outside of VA.
3.5 college GPA with upwards trend. Like 42 credits total so far.
HS GPA, was like a 2.8/3 with 4 APs
Have a lot of pre-reqs.
Letter of rec from Screen Writing professor and employer.
Decent essays
EC’s include doing media coordination for our schools Overwatch Esports team, including running an ad campaign that reached over 100k individuals.
Applied for CAS as an incoming 3rd year. Put Finance and Media studies I believe as my interests.

Hey guys, have you guys seen anything like “inquiry access denied” under financial aid yet in SIS? In the past years forums that usually showed up in March or April and indicated acceptance or having a great chance. Thanks

how did you get access to your SIS? All I got access to was the application portal.

I got an email from studentsystems@virginia.edu a couple days after I submitted my app giving me info to log in

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anyone know UVA’s transfer decision notification date?

May 1st is the latest date although some years found out a few days before.

DS forgot to check the “financial aid required” checkbox in the application but have submitted a FAFSA application yesterday. Sent an email to the undergraduate admissions rep but they asked him to contact helpdesk. Will he be getting access to SIS since he did his FAFSA and chose UVA as the school in that?

Every student receives access to SIS regardless of their financial aid requirements when they submit their app. For people that didn’t apply for financial aid they wouldn’t see anything under the financial aid package but the people that did receive their financial aid package upon admittance.

Thank you. DS did receive access to Application Status Portal. SIS is a different access I assume?

Yup. If they applied out of high school it’s the same credentials so they might need to dig around old emails. If it’s the first time then they should’ve received an email with the SIS access too.

Hey guys, I’m applying to UVA McIntire. I know the business school is super selective so I do not think I have a real chance. Here are my stats:

OOS, attending a mediocre UC
3.8 college gpa, 4.4 HS gpa
Own a successful online business, 1.6M in revenue last year
Interned with the National Institute of Health as a bus. analyst
Invested into a couple startups and bought real estate
Volunteer in Partners of Health and my school’s cultural club.

I hope I have a real shot, UVA is an awesome school and I would love to attend. I think my weakest part of my application is my GPA, especially since the GPA average for OOS accepted students is much higher. Good luck to everyone here :slight_smile:

GPA doesn’t tell the whole story. UVA review process is holistic. Oos is going to be difficult, but the 1.6M is definitely going to impress. You not drop shipping are you lol. Really good EC’s as well.

bruh I wish decisions came out earlier ughh

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I wonder if there are fewer applicants this year, the online chatter is virtually non existent compared to previous years.

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