UVM v. SUNY UB v. Clarkson University

Sorry that’s such a long list to compare! I’ve recently been accepted into all of the above schools for Mechanical (UVM–they have an aerospace focus), Aerospace (UB) and Aeronautical (Clarkson) engineering. I’m not aware of how much UB will give me, but the cost for UVM and Clarkson as of right now will only be a few thousand short of each other. My end goal is to major in Aerospace, leaning more towards astronautical than aeronautical.

Since I’m a NY student living in VT, I qualify for in-state tuition to both UB and UVM, so the cost will likely be similar.

If I attend UB, due to the credits I have earned in high school I’ll be able to avoid some classes and have the opportunity to do a dual major option with mechanical and aerospace engineering, but it’s a bit far from home.

I haven’t visited Clarkson yet, but it has a very big reputation of being a good engineering school where I’m from. I don’t know much about them, nor whether they accept the credits I have.

I’ve visited UVM before and my sister and both parents attended, so I’m pretty familiar with the school, but we don’t know much about the engineering department, nor whether they accept my credits.

So, what are your thoughts? If you know anything about college life on campus, the engineering department, housing, party/social scene or anything about these three schools, please let me know! Any extra info is appreciated.

I think Buffalo and Clarkson offer the stronger engineering programs. Of these two, Clarkson would be more intimate, Buffalo more expansive.

Dont go to Clarkson, take it from a current student. There is nothing to do here other then drink or study. you either do really well, or really bad. A lot of people here are also immature and the school and its faculty do not hndle things professionally, and the hockey team ALWAYS comes first.

Countering Taylorwicks opinion, my niece and her boyfriend (and multiple friends whom I have all met) are recent grads, speak very highly of Clarkson, and are either now in PhD programs or have landed great jobs. My d’s bf from hs is in her freshman year and loving it. I’ve actually never heard any negatives about the school.

Congratulations on three good choices. All personal preference if the $s the same. I’m partial to Buffalo due to resources of a larger city right there. I’m impressed with the rigor of their academics. Personally looked at the various offerings there but the other two schools excellent too.