<p>Too bad they still lag in actual research spending rankings. UW continues to to emphasize total grants awarded--some of which might be spent over 10 years--but don't highlight their much lower rank in total annual spending.</p>
<p>Here's the most recent official rankings.</p>
<p>TABLE 4. Twenty institutions reporting the largest FY 2005 academic R&D expenditures in science and engineering fields: FY 2004–05* </p>
<p>(Millions of current dollars)<br>
Rank Institution 2004 2005
All R&D expendituresa 43,229 45,750</p>
<pre><code>Leading 20 institutions 12,826 13,691
<p>*** 1 <em>Johns Hopkins U., Theb 1,375 1,444
*</em> 2 <em>U. MI all campuses 769 809
*</em> 3 <em>U. WI Madison 764 798
*</em> 4 <em>U. CA, Los Angeles 773 786
*</em> 5 <em>U. CA, San Francisco 728 754
*</em> 6 <em>U. CA, San Diego 709 721
*</em> 7 <em>Stanford U. 671 715
*</em> 8 <em>U. WA 714 708
*</em> 9 *<strong><em>U. PA 597 655
* 10 *</em></strong>Duke U. 521 631
* 11 *<strong><em>PA State U. all campuses 600 626
* 12 *</em></strong>OH State U. all campuses 518 609
* 13 *<strong><em>Cornell U. all campuses 576 607
* 14 *</em></strong>MA Institute of Technology 543 581
* 15 *<strong><em>U. CA, Berkeley 526 555
* 16 *</em></strong>U. MN all campuses 526 549
* 17 *<strong><em>U. CA, Davis 512 547
* 18 *</em></strong>Columbia U. in the City of NY 468 535
* 19 *<strong><em>Washington U. St. Louis 490 532
* 20 *</em></strong>U. FL 447 531</p>
<pre><code> All other institutions 30,403 32,059
<p>a Excludes R&D performed by university-administered federally funded research and development centers. </p>
<p>b Includes the Applied Physics Laboratory, with $670 million and $678 million, respectively, in total R&D expenditures in FY 2004 and FY 2005. </p>
<p>NOTE:**Because of rounding, detail may not add to total. </p>
<p>SOURCE:**National Science Foundation/Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Research and Development Expenditures at Universities and Colleges, FY 2005. </p>
<p><a href="http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/infbrief/nsf07311/%5B/url%5D">http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/infbrief/nsf07311/</a></p>