UW Autumn Transfer Admission

I know its decision date is coming in late May to early June
However, I have not enough time to decide about school.
Because the other universities gave me some pressure to ask me about the financial aid deadline.
I wonder to know Is anyone gets an admission of the UW? (fall 2020)


I was already admitted to UW Seattle as well as their College of Engineering in both Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering on May 13th

just one question.
when did you apply the application? did you apply early??:confused:

Hey @Dbswjd612 ! I can’t speak for when they applied, but this year UW has admitted the capacity constrained majors before any open majors. If you had to submit 2 applications (1 to UW general admissions and a 2nd directly to the department like @lisubjn did) you’ve probably heard back. Computer science, Foster school, engineering, biochem, informatics etc (which are capacity constrained) have mostly all heard back. I don’t know what you applied for, but you’re probably still waiting like the rest of us open major applicants. Not sure if that helps or not.