UW Business

<p>Is the business program at UW-M significantly more challenging then say Iowa State, or U of North Dakota programs? Is it very challneing to balance the work of a business major and still have a good amount of free time to spare to relax on campus at UW-M?</p>

<p>u'll have free time 2 partay..uw tradition but i bet the biz program is 100 times more challenging than ISU or north dakota. the biz program.u have to apply ur sophomore yr. and gettin in is hard. they accept 60% and fallin by the yr</p>

<p>FYI- UWM mean UW Milwaukee; stick with UW to mean Madison, the state flagship school. Business is not known to be any more challenging than any other field. Plenty of tougher majors.</p>

<p>And plenty of easier ones. I think it is far more challenging than most liberal arts, education, and ag majors outside the hard sciences.</p>

<p>The business major is probably in the top 2 or 3 in terms of difficulty at the school. last semester only admitted one third of those who applied to the business school</p>