UW Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Right. That’s my point. I expect there are a lot of spring 2020 HS grads who deferred their application for a year and had to re-apply this cycle along with all the other HS seniors for spots in the 2021 freshman class. If they had the ability to defer admissions for a year they wouldn’t have been part of the 48,000 or so from this year’s applicant pool.

That has been the case this year around the country for two reasons. First, covid. Since you can’t visit colleges as easily, students are applying to more of them and figuring on sorting it out later. Second, the fact that most schools dropped the SAT meant that a lot of kids who aren’t stellar test takers are now applying to schools that they might not have earlier when SATs were all important.


I opened the online form link(To join the freshman waitlist, complete the online form using your UW NetID.) on this page, and I found this

" Welcome to the 2021 UW freshman waitlist. You are here because you were invited to accept a place on the waitlist. To accept the invitation, please read about the waitlist and then complete the online form."

So waitlisted?

But you’re not. You were there because you saw a random link on the internet and opened it.

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Four more days to go!

I can’t wait

Yeah, I’m so excited! Although I feel I didn’t get in, but I’m happy that I’ll finally find out where I’ll be in September!

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I’ll be waiting until March 30 :frowning:

Awww, that sucks! Hope you get into the college that was your first choice!

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You as well!

Anyone receive any decisions today?

I’m still not sure why UW just didn’t say decisions will out by March 15 (or March 12), and if they released them sooner it would be a nice surprise. There are up to 48K applicants who are anxious, and by saying March 1-15 only sets the wrong expectation. It would have been better for UW to say “most decisions will be made by March 12, however some decisions could be released a few days later”


i seem to remember people saying that decisions were released around 8:30pm in previous years, so even if there are some coming before Friday, i doubt they would be in the morning

Colleges are weird if u didn’t realize that by now lol


Right? Like they completely skewed people’s perception of when decisions were coming with the whole “March 1-15”. I would have rather them had said that.

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It’s possible that they initially anticipated releasing a small batch earlier, but something stopped them from doing so.

UW grad here from a long time ago.

Just think of this process as training for the next four years of dealing with a large, bureaucratic, and often obtuse organization. It will be the same thing when you try to register for classes, sign up for housing, get into your majors, etc. etc. Be ready to be just a number to them.

If you want a lot of individual hand-holding and coddling then much better off seeking out a small private liberal arts college. Because you won’t get that at UW.


@Camasite , I have to say though that it is what you make of it. Definitely no hand holding, as you say, but are helpful if you seek them out. S16 seemed like he was always in talking with his UW counselor when he was trying to get into CS. He can be quite anxious and perseverative, but they were always helpful. He never felt as though he had a hard time with accessing resources if needed.

After UW realized March 1-7 wasn’t likely they could have updated their communications, but as @Camasite mentioned, this could be an indicator as to what we all have to look forward to at large universities.

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But isn’t that what they did when they sent out the email that decisions will be out on the 12th? Anyone believing earlier than that was just wishful thinking.

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