UW Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

For everyone waitlisted, I created a forum to discuss/ask questions about the process. It’s at this link! University of Washington, Seattle Waitlist 2025 - #2 by lasagnalover


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What does it say?

It says “College: Business School” and
“Major: Business Administration”
Does that mean I am in? :joy: I sure hope so


Yes! You are in!




I got in. 3.74 GPA in state. Had requested College of Engineering but I got a Pre Major in Arts and Sciences

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D OOS got accepted with purple/gold scholarship but not her desired CS major instead pre-sciences. Got accepted to WSU direct CS with practically full ride, Cal Poly SLO direct CS and still waiting on a few CA schools. Decisions-decisions!

Daughter accepted into Engineering with P&G of $7200.


4.0 UW
SAT 1570
12 APs
Stong ECs (especially during COVID)

Accepted at Michigan, Georgia Tech, Purdue, UC Boulder and CalTech. Waiting on MIT and Columbia

Can’t wait for this part to be over,

Found it interesting that part of the UW process to accept offer includes Vaccincation. Hope more schools do that!


CS major. Currently trying to decide between SLO and Purdue. Bummed about UW rejection despite 15xx SAT, strong ECs etc.

I feel your pain… I am in the same boat :frowning:
I have slightly better GPA, in state, got rejected for CS. Now waiting for UCSB, UCSD results.

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Can anyone tell me if it’s even possible to transfer into CS?? Soo disappointed!!

You requested the following major: Computer Science in the College of Arts and Sciences

Your assigned major: Pre Sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences

While you’ve been offered admission to the UW, you were not admitted directly to computer science and we cannot guarantee that you will receive admission to computer science at a later time. Therefore, we encourage you to pursue another major at the UW.

It is extremely hard. I would go to another college if CS is important to you.

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It’s his preferred major.

Where else did he apply? Any acceptances so far? In any college, transferring into CS is hard.

He’s been accepted @ Purdue Honors CS, Ohio State Honors CS, University of Maryland not directly to CS but to Letters & Sciences which is a direct path into CS if you complete core courses which he’s currently doing in HS & should place out w/ AP tests.

D16 in-state was waitlisted and is very disappointed. She has a 4.0 UW and 4.7-4.8 W (if you could her grades from this quarter) at community college. Has taken over 20 community college classes, including 4 foreign language, and has gotten As in all of them. Most of her CC classes have been to meet general education requirements for an arts and science major (which is not even a competitive major!!) She’s homeschooled bu has started her own business from the ground up (e-commerce) and is a certified Adobe Professional.

For a college with a 40-50% acceptance rate and a priority for in-state student, I’m shocked she wasn’t among the top 40-50%. She is sort of stuck moving forward with Communtiy college (if she doesn’t get into UW because she’s too young to move out) however has completed most of her general education so I’m not sure how she will be able to keep taking classes there without a goal of a major and bachelors.

Does anyone know of a reason why these stats wouldn’t have gotten acceptance? Any tips for writing an appeal? Thanks

Accepted Chem major.

OOS International

Attended top 10 boarding school in the US
3.8 UW
35 ACT
5 APs
2 Subject Tests
Summer internship at a top med school
Strong ECs in leadership and athletics

First acceptance after having a rough time in early decision and early action. Waiting on rest of my regulars.


how does someone see their unofficial transcript?

Purdue and Ohio are Top 20 schools for CS. No way he should accept non-CS major at another school in the hope of transferring to CS.

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