UW Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I’m so surprised you didn’t get admitted, with stats like those you could probably get into much more elite schools. My D also got waitlisted in-state and has a 4.7W GPA (over 23 college classes by end of this semester- A’s in all), 3.98UW, started own business, lots of family responsibilities and other accomplishments related to design. age 16.
It’s very frustrating not to know why these stats weren’t good enough to get accepted, esp at a school with 52% acceptance rate. Are you going to appeal?

Thank you!

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Anybody know how possible (or impossible) it might be to gain in-state status at UW over the course of 4 years as an undergrad?

It is possible if you are an independent student (receive no support from your parents). It is impossible if you are a dependent student and your family lives out of state. There is a lot of information on the UW web site about residency requirements for in-state tuition. They are rigorous.

Hey guys I was admitted into UW oos, but not into the business school. I was wondering if it is possible to appeal/ how difficult is it to transfer into the business school? I applied TO w a 3.81 UW with APs/Honors/Accelerated classes under my belt. I also have great ECs both in-school and out and have been running my own business for about 4 years. I have also done 100+ hours of service in a third-world country. My essays were strong. I really would like to have this as an option whether or not I can appeal. I got into a bunch of solid business schools directly already, but this one would be awesome and would greatly affect my decision! Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Here you go. This link has the info. 30-50% accepted each year. My son knows someone who did it last year, and you need a 3.7 or 3.8 minimum GPA unless you have some other hook.

Great info from @Cameron121 about Foster Standard Admission. I would however recommend appealing the Foster DA decision by emailing the department. I know people who appealed their decision and got into Foster as a freshman.

It’s basically like applying to college all over again to get into the business school internally. Some kids will take that challenge and do what they have to do, and others will decide a direct b-school admission bird in hand is a better path. No wrong answer, reducing your risk is almost always a good decision. The other factor is that a majority of kids change majors at least once during college. Getting into a good school like UW presents a lot of opportunities and you may find something more interesting than business to pursue. It’s really a personal decision and the majority of kids end up where they belong after a stressful admission period. Our HS seniors this year have been particularly challenged with reduced social opportunities, school on zoom and a completely different college admissions cycle due to higher number of applicants across the board and choppy application of test scores at various universities. I hope they can re-discover some sense of normalcy in the fall.


Thank you all, I appreciate it! I think I am going to appeal and hope for the best. Regardless, UW is up there on my list.


Agreed! For the more competitive majors, its really a matter of importance: major vs school. Many who don’t get in to Foster either change to Economics (much less competitive), or to a different university entirely.

Looking at all the people with stellar stats that were waitlisted/rejected I think UW was definitely more holistic this year, placing a larger focus on ecs and essays, and courseload as well.

In addition, it feels like a much larger number of people were waitlisted than in previous years.


Yesterday looked like it was going to be the last sunny day in a long while so we drove up to Seattle for one last DIY tour of campus before D21 decided to fully commit. Good trip and we saw more on our own than on the pre-pandemic guided tour. There is a huge amount of construction going on around Campus. They are pouring hundreds of millions of new dollars into the place.

There is a huge new building going up as part of the Foster School of Business that looks to be a beautiful new modern glass building. Here is info for you business types who might be interested in seeing what is coming: Hoffman Construction — Founders Hall Also lots of new science related buildings. The new Life Sciences building looks impressive but we were not able to go inside. Here it is for any of you other future bio majors: University of Washington Life Sciences Building – Perkins&Will

All the new dorms in north campus and west campus look beautiful and I liked that the new lawn between the dorms is artificial turf so he students can use it year round without grinding it into mud like we used to do. There are so many little cafes and cool spaces scattered all over campus that did not exist when I was a student a generation ago. Every new academic building seems to have some sort of cafe on the ground floor. Back then all we had was the HUB and the little cafe at the Burke Museum. Otherwise you had to walk all the way over to the Ave to even find coffee.

D21 is super excited to be a Husky and hopes to be rooming with one of her best friends from HS who was also accepted.


Thank you for your post. Did you drive around campus or walk ?

UW completely test blind this year for initial acceptance decisions. Friend on the admissions committee absolutely confirmed this. Bummer for my child since they got perfect score on ACT, but I get it since the purpose was to level the covid playing field.

We parked and explored on foot. Beautiful campus. Students were out and about but all wearing masks. It’s a spacious place.

UW completely test blind this year for initial acceptance decisions - I think you are absolutely right.

A student posted earlier said he is OOS CS admitted with UW 4.93 and SAT 1340 SAT. My D has UW 4.91 and SAT 1550 get rejected for OOS CS and diverted to Pre-science. She was sick for a whole month during Fall Junior year. Got couple Bs and missed the PSAT as well. Then Spring junior year everybody is Pass/No Pass. Oh well.

Accepted OOS, political science major. UW GPA way below the average. Think my ECs carried me


OOS son admitted with 3.7 UW, 32 ACT, hundreds of volunteer hours, soccer, quiz bowl team, history major.


How can UW (Unweighted) GPA be more than 4?

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likely out of 5?