UW Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Yeah, when I click there I just see my UWB offer from the early round, no UWS offer yet.

When I do the loophole thing, it made me log in and it says “You have been offered admission to the Seattle campus of the University of Washington. You may only confirm enrollment with one campus. If you anticipate offers from more than one UW campus please consider whether you want to confirm your enrollment at this time.” I didn’t apply to any other UW Campus. Not sure what that means, but I’m OOS if that helps anyone


Same for my OOS daughter’s account. It is probably just a placeholder right now and not a backdoor way of finding out.

How unfortunate, I suppose we wait a week or two then :frowning:

You do have the option to accept the offer, right?

It says “I accept this offer” or the deferral thing, and theres boxes to check next to both, and then it would make me submit

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ok, same.

Do you think that not having this message is a bad sign? I’m OOS and getting nervous!!!

Did you go to the correct website and click "confirm and request nseof deferral? and then log in?

Mine says that too

scroll down to the second option and you will see “confirm and request nseof deferral?”

I don’t think anyone knows what it means yet, so I wouldn’t put too much weight into it. Don’t wanna be disappointed if it doesn’t come to fruition

Yeah, I am going to use it for manifestation at least haha


@lightthink I got the same thing as you… hoping it’s true and that we got our majors!!

When you go to the admitted students page and click on the confirm now button does it sat enrollment confirmation then confirm offer of admission and have a button that says begin confirmation? I’ll try to upload picture.

Oh wait I see it now!

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It does for me

Fingers crossed this means an acceptance. I think it’s a good sign since you have to sign into your account before seeing this message.

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someone should click it

facts haha