I’ve been directly admitted into University of Washington’s CSE program, and also chosen as a Presidential Scholar for USC’s Viterbi Engineering school. At this point, money does not matter. I am a Seattle native so part of me is excited to have a change of environment if I do end up going to USC. I’ll be going to the visit day at UW on 4/17 and learn more about the program.
Below are pros and cons of each school.
- Staying in a dorm exclusively for scholars
- Scholarship recipients get access to some events/internships (not sure specifically what though)
- Offered a spot in their undergraduate engineering honors program (access to a few networking events and some seminars)
- I’d be part of the Quest Scholars network for QuestBridge (get access to some other networking opps and pretty much mentor incoming QB applicants)
- I can easily switch between different engineering majors (though I’m likely going to stay with CS)
- Strong alumni network (“Trojan Family”)
- Flexibility of curriculum
- Smaller classes
- School spirit
- Decent career fairs. I doubt recruitment here is as rigorous than at Stanford/UW but at least a dozen engineering students have been offered summer internships their freshman year
- It supposedly has a good entrepreneurial vibe
- Really beautiful campus
- It’s in Los Angeles!
- The weather!
- Their computer science program isn’t better than UW’s
- Farther from family
- Much better CS program
- Great location in terms of tech companies
- I live pretty close to the school campus
- Close to family
- The link extension at UW will open in 2016 (convenient transportation!)
- Weather sucks
- A lot bigger classes
If I had not gotten DA at UW, I would have gone to USC (UW was risky without DA). However right now, I feel like UW will give me more career opportunities while USC will give me a better college experience. It also feels a little silly to pass up the direct admit offer at UW when it’s so hard to get.
Which would you choose and why?