UW Housing bummer

<p>Incoming freshman. News came yesterday on housing. Submitted my stuff as early as allowed and got 3rd choice. Very surprised. Would calling UW Housing matter? Is there a waiting list to switch?</p>

<h1>3rd choice does not seem that bad. It is more a lottery than a selection anyway. If you want to select a dorm choose a learning community. Or go private.</h1>

<p>I agree with choosing a learning community. My daughter picked Chadbourne, found a roommate on the Class of 2016 facebook page that also picked Chadbourne and together they selected the room in that hall that they wanted. It was all confirmed yesterday.</p>

<p>Parent of incoming freshman here – UW is straight lottery, not first-come, first served so it does not matter how soon you submit your housing stuff, as long as it is on time. From what my son says, there are students who wound up deep on their list, in the different neighborhood than they wanted (Lakeshore vs. SE) so 3rd choice sounds pretty lucky.</p>

<p>You can contact housing and ask how to get on a waiting list for your preferred dorm. My son’s friend did that two years ago when he got Sellery (near the bottom of his list) and wanted Ogg. He did end up able to switch to Ogg.</p>