Listed Dorm Choice vs. Actual Assignment

<p>I'm aware that the dorm selection process is not perfect as you might list witte last and get it anyway. So just wondering what the likelihood is I or anyone else gets there first choice dorm. I really pulling for Sellery but I doubt the chances of me getting my first choice. What's the likelihood I get something in my top 4? I put Sellery Witte Ogg and smith if that helps.</p>

<p>Chance of getting your #1 choice is 15%, more if you submitted a roommate, and they submitted with same preference list. </p>

<p>According to Housing, Sellery was the most popular choice of incoming freshman this year. Housing added another learning community in Sellery this year (floor), so it may be the toughest draw for incoming freshman. Housing told me that if you list Sellery and Witte, there’s a very high probability you’ll get one of them. Ogg and Smith are more difficult because of sophomores that select and incoming Freshman athletes.</p>

<p>Learning community requests are a different story.</p>

<p>15%… Seriously? How late did you apply? If you applied for housing early and you had a roommate I say you have 75% at least. Then I applied for Chad so I don’t know a thing about Sellery.</p>