UW looked GREAT today on Game Day

<p>Good for another 1000 apps this year.</p>

<p>Make that 3000 more apps. What a show. STUDENTS WERE AWESOME. Maybe that’s why they stay a little longer. Time of your life. Enjoy. Plenty of time to work the next 40+ years.</p>

<p>Camp Randall is one of the most fun stadiums in the country. </p>

<p><a href=“http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/sports/with-nebraska-football-team-in-town-wisconsin-gets-ready-to-jump.html[/url]”>http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/sports/with-nebraska-football-team-in-town-wisconsin-gets-ready-to-jump.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>[University</a> of Wisconsin Band - Hot Time - YouTube](<a href=“University of Wisconsin Band - Hot Time - YouTube”>University of Wisconsin Band - Hot Time - YouTube)</p>

<p>And tonight was a great Wisconsin welcome to the Big 10 for Nebraska!</p>

<p>I didn’t catch the game tonight, but I was at the OSU-Wisconsin game last year in Madison. Even having gone to tons of games in Columbus, it was really something else to see how much spirit and fun everyone at Camp Randall had (especially the students). We lost, but it was still a really cool experience.</p>

<p>Ohio State might be down for now, but I’m glad the Big 10’s got a strong Wisconsin team to take our place.</p>

<p>[Wisconsin</a> Homecoming 2005 - “Varsity” - YouTube](<a href=“Wisconsin Homecoming 2005 - "Varsity" - YouTube”>Wisconsin Homecoming 2005 - "Varsity" - YouTube).</p>

<p>My favorite, and I’m not even a UW graduate. It is especially stirring when it is done in Kohl.</p>

<p>Look out B10, Wisky is going undefeated.</p>

<p>I was at Game Day and at the Nebraska game and both were terrific showcases for UW to say the least (and of course a blast to be at). I’m also glad that we have someone as articulate and mature as Russell Wilson representing UW at QB.</p>

<p>Nebraska fans were friendly and polite. A great day! Enjoyed the variety of custom t-shirts worn by fans on both teams (Shuck 'Em, Bucky)!</p>