UW Madison BME Prerequisite

To continue with biomedical engineering in the sophomore year, a core GPA of 3.5 ( two courses of math and two of science ) and an overall GPA of 3.0 is required.
How easy or tough is this to achieve?
How many students actually achieve this and get to continue in BME?

How well you do in classes depends on your background knowledge foundation, your ability and your interest. It is easier when you have a solid HS foundation and are interested in a class. No one answer since different students have different abilities in math/science and come from different HS teaching. Just as some study many hours for something while others do not need to.

Have you already taken 1-2 years of AP calculus and AP physics? If so, and you scored well on the exams on your first try, you are likely well prepared. Don’t fall behind and don’t wait until after the first exam to go to tutoring. It’s hard to climb out of a hole. The overall GPA is probably easier than the core because you can take lower level/easier classes to pad your GPA. If you are really committed to BME and nothing else will do, I would suggest another school as the stress of making progression at that high level can be ridiculous. I see it as a real barrier to hands on committed engineering students who are slow test takers.

It would help if you take AP Chem since you have to take a whole year of chemistry as progression requirement. If your high school teaching in chemistry is weak you will be at a real disadvantage.

Also WI has a grading scale that does not have A- or B-, so you get a lower point average if you aren’t a straight A or B. For example, WI has the grade of BC which is a 2.5, which is better for you if you were going to get a C+ (2.3) but worse if you were at a B- (2.7) level.

My DD will not make the requirements and has worked very hard, no movies/extra socializing, no parties. But she is not a great test taker. If you are, it will help.