UW Madison Class of 2027 Official Thread

this was the NYT article that flagged Madison and admissions etc

def didnt make the process or Madison sound “good” in this ridiculous process


Daughter denied. 3.94 UW.
Lots of APs, leadership roles, varsity sports captain, tons of service, etc. The only school she didn’t get accepted. Thankful she is very excited about another school.

All of her friends were also rejected or waitlisted. As an alumni, it’s always disappointing to not have your kid even have the choice. The kids that WI rejects and accepts always confounds me.

And, for those waitlisted, I highly recommend you check the stats from last year- pretty sure only 11 kids got off the waitlist. Not sure why WI would tell anyone that 20% get off the waitlist. That has not been true for the last 3 years based on WI’s own admission reports. I say this only so your kid doesn’t have his/her heart broken the 3rd time and waits too long to commit elsewhere, accept scholarships, choose housing, etc.

My first two were not accepted after being deferred either (WI was the only school that rejected any of them) and both are at perfect colleges for them and they laugh about thinking that at one time they wanted to go to WI. It all works out.

Good luck everyone as you make your decisions!


Thank you for for taking the time to share this information. May you share some of the school’s your chose? That is our next process…

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It should be illegal? Lol. Then they will just deny you. That is what a waitlist is anyway. It just means that if there is a spot after everyone else makes their decision, they will think about letting you in. I know it sounds harsh, but waitlist means to plan on going somewhere else.


What do you think for lack of better words is better, being waitlisted or deferred?

UW could do a better job providing waitlist data. True, if you average the numbers from UW’s Common Data Set for the past 3 years, a total of 2886 out of 13426 applicants on the waitlist were admitted, which is 21%, or roughly the “one in five” as stated in UW’s waitlist FAQs. But the problem is in the details. For the class entering Fall of 2020 (the Covid year) a whopping 56.3% were accepted off the waitlist, whereas in both 2021 and 2022 only a scant .3% got off the waitlist. Specifically, only 14 out of 4335 (2021) and 11 out of 4006 (2022) were accepted off the list. In other words, over the last two years, approximately one in 334 students on the wait list have been offered admission, a sharp contrast from the “one in five” as stated in UW’s FAQs!


For the person that asked above, after getting rejected by WI and accepted to every other school they applied to in the Big Ten and SEC (my girls only applied to large public universities), they chose:

DD #1: U of Alabama; almost full merit scholarship (we pay $4k per year as out of state), honors college, nicer housing for honors kids, ability to double major in a major in the business school and liberal arts school, STEM to MBA program (where you can complete your MBA with one extra year), ability to apply scholarship money to study abroad for any semester making study abroad almost free, super safe and clean campus, great weather, strong Greek system, fun football and BB games😊

DD #2: U of Minnesota; top 5 program in her major (psychology) which was higher than UW ranking for that program, ability to triple major (criminology and Chinese), in-state tuition, a lot of internship opportunities near campus in the Twin Cities, ton of study abroad programs, urban campus with a lot of art, concert, and theater entertainment close by, high paying campus jobs (she makes $18/hour at the school’s radio station), fun Big 10 sports culture…especially hockey games. Top ranked law school (mush higher than WI) if she decides to stay for law school.

DD#3 (who just got rejected from WI): U of NE; huge merit scholarship (making it far, far cheaper than any instate option), honors college, better housing for honors kids, guaranteed professor mentoring and internships for honors kids, top ranked Agriculture school with 25 major options within school and a separate campus dedicated to the programs, tuition guarantee in Agr school where if she graduates with a certain GPA and does one internship the school will refund a portion of her tuition if she’s not employed in her field after graduation (it’s crazy and we’ve never heard another school do this but that’s how confident they are with career placement with their Agr grad), lots of partnerships with huge Agr and biotechnology company partnerships, safe, clean and nice City (Warren Buffet’s hometown), strong Greek system, and Big Ten sports culture.

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I got accepted as OOS for Molecular and Cell Biology. If anyone has questions I will try to answer them.


If she does not have a viable option for the fall, bookmark this URL – every spring in April/May, a bunch of schools announce that they are still accepting applications. Maybe they received an inadequate number of applications, or their yield is lower than expected; regardless, they need additional kids to fill their class. You might be surprised at the options – in past years, some pretty good schools have accepted apps in the spring. I would check at least weekly for updates.

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Not to nitpick, but which ranking puts UM-TC’s Psych department ahead of UW’s?

Here’s where USNews has them – UW 9th, MN 12th. (I would call them peers at 9th and 12th…)

Regardless, it sounds like things worked out nicely for them.

Are you even being serious right now?
Read the room.

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You are in a UW-focused forum. I am an alumnus of UW and care about it. Sorry…


I’m an alumni too… I guess alumna, technically.
What’s your point? This conversation is about pivoting and finding a better fit or place with better opportunities for your individual student. Your point was petty and in poor taste.

I was curious about the Psych ranking, so I asked the question, and then provided context with the USNews ranking (grad school ranking… not 100% applicable to undergrad, but usually a decent approximation). I’m not sure where you see pettiness or poor taste in that. Seems pretty harmless, if not entirely on topic. Regardless, I did congratulate you and your kids on their outcomes. That’s sincere.


Need to consider what type of psychology degree. UMTC is actually second in developmental children’s psychology.

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Great point, considering the particular field.

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3700 or so is the target for instate. Just a goal and not written in stone. But they try to stay pretty close. It was part of the deal to allow more OOS numbers. Used to be a low 25% hard cap. Now they are around 50% OOS.


stats, where from, public or private?

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Hey friends! Anyone know when financial aid comes out? xoxo

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How good is the Neurobiology BS Major at UWisc Madison? What is it ranking look like compared to the university reputation? S23 was accepted by L&S. He may want to go with medical track but I am not sure if he will change his mind later or not.