UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

OK this is nerve-racking

It seems like they are notifying in staters first, is this how it has been in previous years?

I’m freakin out. OOS and just wanna hear already! R they about to squeeze out of staters in tonight???

Come on UW-Madison! You’ve had enough time! Get it together lol

Daughter applied 11/1. Her friend was also accepted with a slightly lower GPA but a 29 ACT. Both have tons of extracurriculars, leadership positions and volunteer hours.

My son just opened the email -----accepted! In state, uw gpa 4.0, ACT 33, varsity soccer, Link crew, mega-legacy :)(if that matters-both parents undergrad, one parent also MD, multiple aunts and uncles undergrad, Master’;s, PhDs). It’s the only school he’s ever wanted to attend, and the only one to which he applied, so I’ve been holding my breath and haunting CC :)!!! Congrats to those accepted, and hang in there if postponed.

LOL these stats make me even more stressed out :-SS

patience everyone :slight_smile:

My son got in. IS. 29 ACT, 3.78 UW GPA, applied 10/15. Lot of extracurricular activities, legacy. This was his only choice.

Out of staters tonight???

@mom2130 congrats! Did he just got the email? I’m trying to figure out if they’re still notifying…

Just got into the college of Engineering!

Quick stats:

UW GPA: 3.82
ACT: 33
ECs: Generic and only 1 leadership role
Essays: Probably average or just a bit better than average
Classes: Most rigorous possible, about 10 AP + Dual enrollment

Good luck to those who still haven’t heard from Madison!

He applied Oct.26. 12-ish APs or college courses.

My daughter got acceptance email about 30 minutes ago! We are in-state, GPA 4.0, ACT 31, lots of extracurriculars and community service work, no sports. I got suspicious that she was in when she got a scholarship info email from the CALS department this afternoon. Yea!

we learned to bucky … just need that letter

@winter123 I also got that email but my status is still the same

Any OOS 'ers ?

Anyone from nj???

Any out of staters (new jersey) yet??! so nervous

question for all - can you post 1st initial of last name as you hear - lets see if they come out alpha order