UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

Do they come in at random times or on the dot like 9:00, 9:30 etc. ?

@luvmydog1 I’m from NJ, nothing here though!

a n y o n e f r o m n j ? ? ? :)>-

Son got in. In state. Submitted on 11/1/15. 3.94 uw ACT 35, math team, soccer, summer camp, etc

Looks like all in-state this round

9:00 and still nothing. I’m gonna study for finals now :frowning:

OOS already! >:P

its only 9 in wisco, 1 more hour left in the 7-10 window! there is hope for us OOS

what would be the latest time we could find out? 10 CST?

need to know

accepted in state. 3.9 uw gpa. 26 act. no sports and minimal extra curricular. minimal volunteer work. 2 ap classes.

Haven’t heard yet in CT. Congrats to everyone who got in and quick question is there a difference between UW GPA and just a regular unweighted GPA on a 4.0 scale?

From Illinois, nothing for anyone at my school

in state only :-q

don’t lose hope yet! 49 more min then I’m giving up

Holding out for one more hour from Michigan. Cmon UW

OOS!!! already

Where does it say that the window is between 7 and 10?

postponed 25 ACT 3.8 GPA applied Nov 1, no APs, in state

I am an in state parent and my son was accepted tonight. That said I have friends both in state and out of state who have had children go to UW Madison. For everyone, in and out of state, first notification does not mean first wave. First notification just means a decision prior to the end of January. In the past there have been several waves within that span, normally on a Friday, leading up to the end of the notification period. None of us know exactly what the process is but I would assume that will be the same this year. I know it is stressful, but if you did not hear tonight it does not necessarily mean a negative decision. Hang in there and good luck to you all.