UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@grishca. Same here! Deferred from UMich and anxiously awaiting a decision from Wisconsin! Have you heard from any other schools yet? My son is into IU Bloomington and Ohio so far…

@mowe11 those stats were from 2 years ago though right? I’m oos from a really competitive public school with 20+ highly qualified applicants applying, I only have a 28 act and 4.1 W Gpa and after being deffered from Michigan I’m praying for a Wisconsin acceptance

@mowe11 great work!! I’m assuming you used numbers from 2 years ago because last year there really was not a good consolidated decisions thread for UW. I’m glad that users have been good about keeping the decision discussion mainly confined to one thread this year.

I would be interested in seeing what the in-state stats were (not suggesting that you do that!). If they are close to those OOS stats (and if those stats are representative of the stats as a whole), my son’s chances are probably not very good. He’s holding out hope based on percentage chances that were calculated on Parchment and Admitster, but is realistic about his chances and is happy with his “safety” schools if he does not get admitted at UW (or Minnesota).

@Candlewoodgal - accepted Kelly business school IU, Tulane & Binghamton

I’ve mentioned it elsewhere but www.collegedata.com include data entered by students who applied to UW as well as other schools. This is a small sample size (480 over last 4 yrs … I believe 30000 applicants per year) and enables you to focus on in-state/OOS, male/female, etc . No one with an unweighted GPA > 3.5 AND an ACT > 25 reported being denied on this website, although some were defered/postponed/withdrawn. The site also lists what UW considers really important (unweighted GPA, class rigor, and class rank), what it considers important (ACT, residency, recommendations), and what is considered (essays, EC, etc). According to the website 56% of entering freshman are in top 10% of class, 76% have unweighted GPA >= 3.75, and 75% have ACT >= 26

If they were to release oos decisions today what time would that be at historically?

Decisions usually come out after 7 pm central time.

Is there a reason for thinking that oos decisions will be released vs. in-state? We are in-state and haven’t heard. D has 31 ACT, 4.33 weighted GPA, tons of AP and honors, EC, volunteer, great essays, etc. Accepted Purdue Engineering and deferred at U Mich.

I don’t think just OOS will be released if there are decisions sent out tonight. Most likely it will be mixed.

How many hours from now?

A little more than 2. But there’s no guarantee anything will be released today it’s just speculation based on previous years.

Can someone post the link for last years decisions so we can compare dates and decisions? I can’t find it

I honestly think waiting this long is crazy!!! The suspense is killing me…

@grishca. Congrats, great schools so far!!! : )

Has anyone heard back yet?

Nothing yet. OOS from California

Nope, so disappointing


At what time should we give up for tonight?

If not tonight…could be some decisions released tomorrow night (based on last 2 years)