UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

All right, all right, all right…

@RDG1409 Matthew McConaughey :’)

I have a feeling decisions will be released tonight.

^^ I think they might be too. It’s so strange to me they started last Friday and then didn’t send any more after the weekend. We’ll see!

Each day there’s new hope - each day there’s disappointment.

Rinse and repeat forever, amirite!?

Well tonight is our last chance until at least next week or maybe even until January so we’ll have to see how nice Bucky really is!!
Hopefully he’ll ball out for us tonight and get our decisions out!!

Finals just finished at Madison so if they don’t come out tonight, they won’t be coming out until after break.

It has to be tonight

WTF nothing

Trying not to get my hopes up…again

please please please be tonight :-S

I’m giving up

same :frowning:

Does anyone have an explanation as to why Madison hasn’t released their decisions, besides the few in-state applicants?

Because they they don’t have to until January 31st!!! Not understanding why there is so much shock and frustration. Why is there an expectation that all the decisions would be released by now? Again…every year there are decisions that are not released until close to the deadline. They don’t release all the decisions at the same time. I’m beginning to believe that some of the people posting here are just trying to get reactions. Well…if that’s true…I guess you have succeeded.

@brewcrew338 it’s because they have released decisions in early December in the past. Also, much bigger colleges like Michigan send out decisions much faster with way more applicants. This is ridiculous.

I think getting worked up over this issue is not helping anything at all… complaining about the late admissions decisions isn’t going to help them come any sooner. I’m in the same position as all of you…yes waiting sucks but don’t let it ruin your holidays!!! The decisions will come soon, as @BrewCrew82 said they have until late January to let everyone know. Wishing everyone the best and sending good vibes to all try not to get too anxious!!

I will agree that this year has been different in terms of release dates so far. Not sure why. However, Wisconsin has always released decisions slowly over time all the way up to the deadline. Also, my son applied to Minnesota in August and still does not have a decision. Not concerned though…their deadline is Feb 28th.


As one of last year’s applicants to UMichigan, I can tell you first-hand that they were releasing decisions in January. As others have mentioned, UW has been very upfront that decisions will be released by the end of January. Wishing and hoping for a different answer does not make it so, so don’t argue the point with other members.

So just relax and enjoy the holidays, because, at this point, there is absolutely nothing you can do. Good luck to all.