UW-Madison Fall 2016 Decisions

@skieurope Michigan releases EA decisions by December 24th and they get over 50,000 applicants. Maybe you got deferred and heard back in late January, but Michigan releases EA decisions by the 24th. UMich receives over 50,000 apps, Wisco receives a little over 30,000. The wait is just absurd at this point.

Is there any way for us to know when the decisions will be sent out? I just joined/bookmarked this topic so I may be a little late… Obviously they’re late compared to previous years but are we completely clueless as to when they will be sent out (between now and January 31)? Will they be sent out in waves or all at once? Are they sending out decisions by state/region?

@njclass2016 Madison has already released a wave of what seemed to be only in-state applicants. They usually send out their decisions in waves. However, the applicants that have already recieved decisions seem to be random seeing as some earlier thread members stated that some of their fellow classmates got a decision but they havent.

@Sandboxx24 hm okay thank you. Very bizarre and confusing but hopefully we all find out sooner than later… best of luck to everyone and have a happy holiday!!! don’t get too wound up this is a time for relaxation :slight_smile:

Comparing UMich to UW by number of applicants is pointless for date of admission decisions.

Maybe the number of employees in Admissions at UMich is 3 times as many at UW and UMich is actually releasing them proportionately slower?

It just doesn’t matter.

has anyone heard anything yet? Im from NY, put in my application Sept. 30th and haven’t heard anything back.

@snsiler Check out previous pages in this thread. Some in state residents have heard back. However, nobody OOS seems to have heard anything yet.

When do students go back to school/when will they be back in their offices? Do we think we will hear a decision then?

Students go back Januaary 18. Admissions counselors probably go back earlier but no one knows exactly when more decisions will be released other than by January 31st.

MI defers a large percentage of applicants in EA to RD. For these applicants, it is not a “decision” and is effectively the same as UW decisions in January. UM and UW have very different processes. Right or wrong.

For those asking if MN residents are OOS for madison, I think they are, but they just have lowered tuition than non-residents. but i’m a WI resident and Twin Cities gives us in state tuition so lol

@abergirl10 I believe that they will be working even when the students are gone. My father works at a large university, and just because students are not there, does not mean faculty isn’t. Also, I’m sure that they would rather work really hard during the busiest time of the year, and then take a break after the busiest part of the admissions process. However, these are all just guesses.

Over the last 2 years (and probably in years prior to that) UW has released some desicions during the break.

Students get a semester break of about a month off, employees don’t.

Anyone hear anything yet?

Does anyone know the earliest possible date we can hear a decision?

Some decisions have already been made @CTtosomewhereHJ8. Read the thread!

Yes obviously @BrewCrew82
My question is in regards to going forward… maybe the teachers are on break? I don’t know
I know decisions were sent out in December and some even in November
Does anyone know when they might resume sending out decisions?

@CTtosomewhereHJ8 Nobody here has insider information on when more decisions will be released. This year is not the same as previous years, and that makes it even harder to tell. I suggest just assuming it will be the end of January, and any earlier than that is just an added bonus!

Thanks!! @CollegeMan91 I agree with you :wink: